Golfers unite!

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Our professional brethren are being put upon! They are being exposed to horrors unimaginable by people who long ago left such indignities behind.

Late last week, tournament founder Jack Nicklaus called the PGA Tour office and asked if he could try something new. He wanted to snap off every other tine on the rakes, which then left deeper, wider lines in the bunkers instead of the perfectly smooth and flat surfaces the pros are accustomed to.

"It's frustrating just to watch other guys try to get out of them," Flesch said of the furrowed bunkers. "I haven't been in one, but I've just seen so many bad shots from guys who are in them. The guys that I'm playing with, they can't get it inside 30 feet. That's crazy."

Ready to lend a hand? All together now;


I applaud Nicklaus attempt to bring some hazard back to...hazards. What is crazy is guys hitting into bunkers without a care in the world because fairway or green side, bunkers pose no more challenge to these guys than being in the middle of the fairway.

Yes, they deserve credit for mastering shots from perfect sand but it's not a few guys, it's EVERYONE. You are not supposed to hit it into the sand. They are HAZARDS, bunkers are.

When I play, I don't get no PGA tour quality sand OR rake jobs. My fellow hacks leave footprints, rake gouges and even the splashes from where their pea landed and where they three whacked it to get it out. Now, my fellow hacks SUCK MORE AZZ than a bicycle seat for not racking and many of my fellows don't bother to fix ball marks either. Be that as it may, I still play it the way it landed. The sand IS a hazard to me.

I like it being one to guys who hit it 300 every time and can get it inside 10 feet from the parking lot.

Don't like hazards boys? DON'T hit it in there, pard.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
There was minor uproar about bunkers several years ago during some tourney. It seems that on one particular hole, the best way to cut the corner (par 5) was to put the ball in fairway bunker. This tactic took a good 20-40 yds off the hole. The result was a non challenging hole where par was a bad score. The following week The PGA commish ordered more sand for every bunker for the next tourney which all the pro's biatched about. His reply was, "If I have to play a fried egg lie from the bunker as an amateur, then surely the pros can too."

When was the last time you saw a pro with a fried egg lie in a bunker?