Gonna Be Exciting V4 (Yes, we are on the fourth on!!!!) SN10 going to FLY!!!


PREMO Member

SpaceX Once Left Engineers On An Island Without Food: They 'Felt Like Slaves'

In Ars Technica senior space editor Eric Berger's new book "Liftoff," employees of Elon Musk's company recounted SpaceX's early days on the island of Omelek, part of the Marshall Islands' Kwajalein Atoll -- including the time they went on strike due to hunger back in 2005. At the time, supply deliveries were often delayed due to "poor" logistics, Berger wrote.

While the company is now based in Boca Chica, Texas, and is no longer in the Marshall Islands, SpaceX employees were working out of Omelek at the time as the U.S. Army, which oversaw the territory, was more open to the company's plans than the Air Force, which was allegedly blocking its plans to launch from California, Business Insider reported. It was also easier to launch the rocket into orbit from the island as it was closer to the equator.

That which does not kill you, makes you stronger .....


Power with Control
Wife showed me that. Startup life :) Had a Chinese guy in our Tesla shareholder group declare, when someone posted the SpaceX feed, "Nice CGI". Had fun pointing out that this is easily verifiable as it happens about 5 miles away from a tourist island, where hundreds of random people can see it, and record it and post images. Unlike Chinese rockets that take off from remote facilities and can only be verified by the debris that rains down on civilians. I didnt say that last part out loud :)


Power with Control
Well, that didnt take the collective long to figure out. Looks like the stubby little legs didnt lock into place. So it landed directly on the skirt. That caused a methane leak which lead to the short second flight. Good. This leg design wasn't expected to last anyway.



Power with Control
Big crane stationed over near the launch mount, chatter says road closure for Saturday, most likely to move SN 11 out of the high bay and trundle to the launch mount.


Power with Control
Now looks like Monday to move the next victi......I mean test article, to the gallo..... I mean launch pad....
