Tom Sawyer
In the parlance of my home community
By Gawd Capt. I dont know if I can stand this , Its a bad lick.
Looking at my tax assessment almost caused me to have a heart attack.
Now I dont own much just a small home fairly close to the water,and a small lot down on the river. It isnt much,but its mine, its paid for. I live on a retirement income and its satisfactory.
When the real estate assessment almost doubles in three years thats a lick thats hard to absorb. I would like to have enough after Federal Income taxes, State taxes. Sales Taxes ,car registration, boat registration, use taxes,-- health, life, fire, homeowner, boat , Insurances --and Real estate taxes to eat just twice a day if the Government would let up just enough to let me.
Now the County will tell you they havent raised taxes, they dont say they dont assess you into the poor house. Is there really a difference between raisng taxes and raising assessments.???
Not so as your pocketbook can tell. It seems every three years its time to bend over and take it again.
This is bad, but whats worse is the tax and spend Democrats are in office again and we are going to get nailed from Annapolis.
By Gawd Capt. I dont know if I can stand this , Its a bad lick.
Looking at my tax assessment almost caused me to have a heart attack.
Now I dont own much just a small home fairly close to the water,and a small lot down on the river. It isnt much,but its mine, its paid for. I live on a retirement income and its satisfactory.
When the real estate assessment almost doubles in three years thats a lick thats hard to absorb. I would like to have enough after Federal Income taxes, State taxes. Sales Taxes ,car registration, boat registration, use taxes,-- health, life, fire, homeowner, boat , Insurances --and Real estate taxes to eat just twice a day if the Government would let up just enough to let me.
Now the County will tell you they havent raised taxes, they dont say they dont assess you into the poor house. Is there really a difference between raisng taxes and raising assessments.???
Not so as your pocketbook can tell. It seems every three years its time to bend over and take it again.
This is bad, but whats worse is the tax and spend Democrats are in office again and we are going to get nailed from Annapolis.