Good Guy With A Weapon


PREMO Member

St. Louis man shoots and kills robbery suspect while stopping at gas station for bathroom break

Police say a 26-year-old man was on a "violent crime spree" targeting multiple gas stations in St. Charles, Mo., early Saturday morning when a customer taking a bathroom break at a third station shot and killed him.

The St. Charles Police Department said they were already investigating an armed robbery at one gas station and a burglary at another when they received reports of shots fired at a third: a Quik Trip location roughly 22 miles outside St. Louis.

"Police Officers arrived to discover the suspect had been shot by a citizen during the armed robbery. The suspect was transported to a local hospital where he was pronounced deceased," St. Charles police said in a Facebook post.


PREMO Member
On Sunday evening, the chief compared Elisjsha to a biblical character. He did so again Monday:

“The shooter was confronted by our Good Samaritan. … The Good Samaritan was armed with a pistol and engaged the shooter as he stood outside the restroom area firing into the food court. [Elisjsha] fired several rounds, striking the suspect. The suspect attempted to retreat back into the restroom [but] fell to the ground after being shot.”

Does that sound like a hero to you? It doesn’t to a Bloomington traffic anchor. Murrow Award-winning journalist Justin Kollar was flabbergasted by the chief’s framing. He expressed his dismay in a tweet:

“The term ‘Good Samaritan’ came from a Bible passage of a man from Samaria who stopped on the side of the road to help a man… I cannot believe we live in a world where the term can equally apply to someone *killing* someone… my God.”



PREMO Member

Why Anti-Gun Zealots Can’t Admit Concealed Carry Saves Lives

After a video of law enforcement officers acting like utter cowards at the Uvalde school shooting was released, Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., claimed that the incident “puts to bed, forever, the question of whether the way to deal with bad guys with guns is to make sure there are more good guys with guns.”

Well, “forever” ended this weekend, when a 22-year-old fatally shot a man armed with an AR-15 who had opened fire in a mall food court in Greenwood, Indiana, killing three. We don’t know all the specifics — and we’ll never know how many lives the Good Samaritan saved — but it is clear Murphy’s assertion was incorrect on two counts: Cops who stand around while children are being slaughtered aren’t “good guys,” but real good guys with guns do exist.

Gun controllers assure us they don’t oppose the Second Amendment, they merely want to pass “common sense” gun laws that take “weapons of war” out of the hands of bad guys. Yet their policy proposals and rhetoric tell us something very different. Anti-gun zealots are so singularly focused on guns, they refuse to even acknowledge that the right to personal self-defense exists. Indeed, they can’t even concede that a person carrying a gun legally (as, it seems, the hero in Indiana did) or obtaining a concealed-carry license — and these people are less likely to engage in criminality than cops — might serve a positive use, like mitigating the tragedy of a mall shooting.

If you think I exaggerate, here is Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action, noting that, “when a 22-year-old illegally brings a loaded gun into a mall and kills a mass shooter armed with an AR-15 after he already killed three people and wounded others is not a ringing endorsement of our implementation of the Second Amendment.”

It says something about Watts’ beliefs that she is under the impression the Constitution needs “implementation.” It also says something about her views on public policy that she seems to believe a “loaded gun” is always “illegal” (it wasn’t). More telling is the fact that Watts is unwilling to allow that an armed man saving numerous lives is preferable to having civilians sitting around in a gun-free zone waiting for the police to arrive as a madman shoots at them.


Well-Known Member
If they were standing in front of that gun before the Good Samaritan shot the POS they would be happy to call him a good Samaritan.

Sitting on your liberal ass and Monday morning quarterbacking is easy.
Not so easy when you or your wife or kids was saved by this man.


PREMO Member
More Americans trust a good Samaritan armed with a gun to stop a mass shooting than police officers or federal agents, according to a Convention of States Action and Trafalgar Group survey of Americans.

The new survey found that the more Americans believe that their best protection in a mass shooting situation is a nearby armed civilian, rather than police officers or federal agents. Respondents chose armed citizens as the best protection by 41.8% to 25.1% for local police and 10.3% for federal agents. About a fifth people chose none of the above – 22.8%.

Democrats and Republicans differed widely on who each believed best able to protect them during a mass shooting. A plurality of Democrats, 33.9%, picked none of the above. Local police came in second with 31.4%.

Republicans, on the other hand, trusted an armed civilian far more than local police or federal agents. Of the GOP respondents, 70.4% said they trusted an armed civilian most to protect them and their families. Just 1.6% of GOP respondents said that federal agents were in the best spot to protect them.



Well-Known Member
There are many--many people who--in spite of their Constitutional right --should never carry a gun.
Many of these could one day shoot the wrong person.

That's a fact we cannot deny.
But IMO 99% of these people will only shoot one person and not go on a rampage and shoot dozens.
It's a situation brought on by those who would kill as many people as they could, because we would all like to live in a nation where people do not need to carry weapons for their self defense.
Unfortunately we do not live in that nation.
As a rule I would not carry a weapon, it's a pain in the ass, but there are places I go where I would carry and I have to include Lexington Park in that . Lexington Park and it's criminal element is a boil on the ass of St. Mary's County.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Indiana police say 'Good Samaritan' took out mall shooter in 15 seconds, landed 8 of 10 shots

Dicken struck the gunman eight times, resulting in his death

Police say it took Elisjsha Dicken just 15 seconds to neutralize a man who opened fire on shoppers at an Indiana mall; quick action they believe saved countless lives.

"The time lapse between the moment that Jonathan Sapirman exited the restroom and began shooting, and when he was shot by the civilian was only fifteen seconds, not two minutes," Greenwood Police Chief James Ison said in a statement Tuesday. "The surveillance video shows Sapirman exit the restroom at 5:56:48pm. He was neutralized by Dicken at 5:57:03 pm."

"Many more people would have died last night if not for a responsible armed citizen who took action within the first two minutes of this shooting," Ison said.



I bowl overhand
Just think if this man who saved so many lives had lived in New York he would be on Riker's Island right now with a $5 million dollar bail.
So in places like NYC how do they ensure the people they hire to be the police are fully indoctrinated and will arrest people protecting themselves??


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member


Well-Known Member
Something these moronic gun grabbers also don't understand is that if they succeed in disbanding the police agencies, there's nothing to prevent the millions of us who own and/or concealed carry from putting down their precious criminals. Phuck around and find out, indeed.


Well-Known Member
Indiana police say 'Good Samaritan' took out mall shooter in 15 seconds, landed 8 of 10 shots

Dicken struck the gunman eight times, resulting in his death

Police say it took Elisjsha Dicken just 15 seconds to neutralize a man who opened fire on shoppers at an Indiana mall; quick action they believe saved countless lives.

All the libtards keep protesting for "free" stuff, how about free range time and practice ammo.