Good Luck Braves (SMYFL)!


New Member
Congratulations and Good luck to the SMYFL 80lb Division Champs, the MECHANICSVILLE WHITE BRAVES.

After an undefeated season at 12-0 they will head to Elkridge Rockburn Park, to compete in the opening round of the Maryland State Youth Football Championship (MARYLANDYOUTHFOOTBALL.COM) versus the Olney Bears, at 12:15pm, Dec 5, 2009. And it looks like it could be a snow game!!

Congratulations to all the teams!!!

(*hater's, please save your comments, you know who you are!)


New Member
Mechanicsville Braves took out the number ranked Div 4, 8-10 team in the state and number 1 seeded Olney Bears, 8-0 in a classic snow bowl!!!!! On to the state championship, next Sunday, Dec 13th in Baltimore.

EDIT: Game time set for Sunday, Dec 13th, at 12:30pm at Mergenthaler Vocational - Technical Senior High School (Mervo) versus Rockville Wolverines (11-0)

Braves looking to cap the season at 14-0
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New Member
This is amazing. All these other threads about Youth Football in St.Mary's County are half-mile long with hating, negative comments, gossiping and drama queens. BUT when there is something positive like a county YOUTH team going to the freakin State Championship. There is not a peep, not a good luck, anything...other than from Zguy (he's SMYFL family).

Wow, I guess my note above about "hater's, please save your comments" was about everyone....

You St.Mary's residents are a trip! But got a thread 11 pages deep on Tiger Woods.....



New Member
Congratulations to the Mechanicsville Braves 80lb White team on their Division 4 Maryland State Championship victory!!

Great job boys!!



Well-Known Member
Congratulations to the Mechanicsville Braves 80lb White team on their Division 4 Maryland State Championship victory!!

Great job boys!!



Is this it or do they go on to a national championship like the little league world series? Keep us posted if they do!


Well-Known Member
Good stuff. I'm so proud of those boys (and all the boys and girls of SMYFL too!). Love the quote from Vontae at the end too.

Whoever wrote/edited the article though was horrible. It looked like they cut off several quotes mid-sentence.

Why can't I view it? I see an ad on page 28.


New Member

Is this it or do they go on to a national championship like the little league world series? Keep us posted if they do!
That's it. There are national tournaments as well sponsored by American Youth Football and Pop Warner and such, but they are separate and are usually in Florida.


New Member
That's it. There are national tournaments as well sponsored by American Youth Football and Pop Warner and such, but they are separate and are usually in Florida.

Yeah, that is it!!!! We hooked the kids up with a bus to ride together to Baltimore.

But it's X-mas time, I don't see how they make that hump to Florida, must start planning in August.