Good News For Beer Drinkers

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Germans brewing up 'anti-aging' beer

BERLIN - A German brewery has developed a beer containing vitamins and minerals it says are designed to slow the aging process.

The Neuzeller Kloster Brewery plans to introduce its "Anti-Aging-Bier" this year and sell it in grocery and drug stores, a spokesman for the company said on Friday.

"It tastes like beer more than it tastes like anything else," the spokesman told Reuters.

The brewery said the beer contained a host of added ingredients that promote good health. But the German government may object to the brewery calling the drink "beer" since a law dating back to 1516 says beer brewed in Germany can only be made from barley, hops, wheat and water.

:lol: Then again, it may be too late for some. :otter:


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Staff member
PREMO Member
Originally posted by jazz lady
beer brewed in Germany can only be made from barley, hops, wheat and water.
I wonder what's in it? :confused:


Asperger's Poster Child
Drink enough of it and you may stop aging altogether. But you'll still feel old, because you can't remember anything in your alcoholic haze.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Re: Re: Good News For Beer Drinkers

Originally posted by Sharon
I wonder what's in it? :confused:

I read it to mean it's still made like other beers with barley, hops, wheat and water, but it has other ingredients ADDED to it; therefore, it can't legally be called BEER. :cheers: