Good News!


New Member
My nurse just left a little while ago.... [for the newbies... I have Lyme and I have a nurse who come in once a week to take blood tests because I'm on IV antibiotics...]

My heart has had an irregular beat for years..... it would beat, beat, consider beating, beat and so on....

Tonight my heart is beating regular.... beat beat beat beat beat beat

AWESOME I am so happy.....


Harley Rider
I'm happy for you HC. I have an old girlfriend who has the same thing and she's been through the wringer. She lives in Silver Spring and she has good days and bad ones. The bad ones are really bad. What changed your heartbeats to regular?


New Member
I'm happy for you HC. I have an old girlfriend who has the same thing and she's been through the wringer. She lives in Silver Spring and she has good days and bad ones. The bad ones are really bad. What changed your heartbeats to regular?

I don't know.... Maybe it's a brain thing?

I am fully aware that some damage cannot be reversed. I didn't expect my heart rythm to ever get back on track... but it is and I'm so thrilled....

My tinnitis is a swooshing sound and I've been ignoring it lately [so it won't drive me insane] but last night I listemed to the regularity of it and I was thrilled... for a little while.... now it's just back to ignoring it again [so it won't drive me insane]..... Now it's annoying and boring tinnitis again....

I am so thankful that there are good doctors out there who will keep working and praying for you....
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New Member
:buddies: great news! I'm hoping that I won't be far behind... starting the IV abx soon myself.

consider yourself lucky that it did reverse - I have a 'sticky valve' that I am hoping resolves itself once all is said and done but I am not getting my hopes up. And unfortunately the heart murmor (sp?) that presented during my first time around with lyme is here to stay - at least it stuck around after the IV abx the first time.

Maybe if the damage is from the lyme directly it has a chance of reversing - in my case, a lot of the damage is from things that are directly related to the lyme - like my immune system being worthless and causing me to have perpetual walking pneumonia, which has damaged my lungs. I really hate this stuff...

BTW - I see that there will be a screening of 'under our skin' at the library on Wednesday at 5pm - it doesn't say whether or not it is a private thing so I'm assuming that anyone can attend? I wish that they would release it to the public so that other people could see it without having to attend meetings and other group events - it would be nice to just get it through netflix or something.

Hotcoffee - I'm pm'ing you about something since I know we have the same doctor...


I AM an enigma
:buddies: great news! I'm hoping that I won't be far behind... starting the IV abx soon myself.

consider yourself lucky that it did reverse - I have a 'sticky valve' that I am hoping resolves itself once all is said and done but I am not getting my hopes up. And unfortunately the heart murmor (sp?) that presented during my first time around with lyme is here to stay - at least it stuck around after the IV abx the first time.

Maybe if the damage is from the lyme directly it has a chance of reversing - in my case, a lot of the damage is from things that are directly related to the lyme - like my immune system being worthless and causing me to have perpetual walking pneumonia, which has damaged my lungs. I really hate this stuff...

BTW - I see that there will be a screening of 'under our skin' at the library on Wednesday at 5pm - it doesn't say whether or not it is a private thing so I'm assuming that anyone can attend? I wish that they would release it to the public so that other people could see it without having to attend meetings and other group events - it would be nice to just get it through netflix or something.

Hotcoffee - I'm pm'ing you about something since I know we have the same doctor...

I think we all have the same dr. At least I know that HC and I do.

By the way HC---So glad to hear about your heart! Let's pray it stays in the right beat! Love to hear good news!!

Lisa, I had to be hospitalized 3 times in less than a year for pneumonia. The first time it was quad pneumonia (in all four lobes), second time same thing and the third was only 3 lobes. It sucked.

I had "walking pneumonia several more times, can't even recall how many, so I know where you are coming from with the Lung thing. "They" say Lyme does not affect your respiratory system. I say BULL*CRAP! My immune system is in the tank also, so I feel your pain. :huggy:


Active Member
My nurse just left a little while ago.... [for the newbies... I have Lyme and I have a nurse who come in once a week to take blood tests because I'm on IV antibiotics...]

My heart has had an irregular beat for years..... it would beat, beat, consider beating, beat and so on....

Tonight my heart is beating regular.... beat beat beat beat beat beat

AWESOME I am so happy.....

I don't know you but I wish you the best in your road to recovery. Lyme can be rough.


:buddies: great news! I'm hoping that I won't be far behind... starting the IV abx soon myself.

consider yourself lucky that it did reverse - I have a 'sticky valve' that I am hoping resolves itself once all is said and done but I am not getting my hopes up. And unfortunately the heart murmor (sp?) that presented during my first time around with lyme is here to stay - at least it stuck around after the IV abx the first time.

Maybe if the damage is from the lyme directly it has a chance of reversing - in my case, a lot of the damage is from things that are directly related to the lyme - like my immune system being worthless and causing me to have perpetual walking pneumonia, which has damaged my lungs. I really hate this stuff...

BTW - I see that there will be a screening of 'under our skin' at the library on Wednesday at 5pm - it doesn't say whether or not it is a private thing so I'm assuming that anyone can attend? I wish that they would release it to the public so that other people could see it without having to attend meetings and other group events - it would be nice to just get it through netflix or something.

Hotcoffee - I'm pm'ing you about something since I know we have the same doctor...

Under Our Skin - Store

It is released to the public. I bought a copy several months ago. You can also rent it thru Netflix


Active Member
BTW - I see that there will be a screening of 'under our skin' at the library on Wednesday at 5pm - it doesn't say whether or not it is a private thing so I'm assuming that anyone can attend? I wish that they would release it to the public so that other people could see it without having to attend meetings and other group events - it would be nice to just get it through netflix or something.

I might still have a copy of "Under our skin" at home. I will check and pm you if I do.


I AM an enigma
More good news..... I'm not snoring so much.....

That's good news too... does that have anything to do with the Lyme tho? Just curious... cuz that is a respiratory thing also, right?

BTW, I have a copy of "Under Our Skin" if anyone would like to BORROW it. The last person I let BORROW it never brought it back, then lied and said she did. I may have brain fog, but not that bad!

If anyone would like to view it, PM me and we'll see what we can work out.


New Member
That's good news too... does that have anything to do with the Lyme tho? Just curious... cuz that is a respiratory thing also, right?

BTW, I have a copy of "Under Our Skin" if anyone would like to BORROW it. The last person I let BORROW it never brought it back, then lied and said she did. I may have brain fog, but not that bad!

If anyone would like to view it, PM me and we'll see what we can work out.

It's probably related to Hashimoto's or an adrenal problem All I know is I've been snoring so loud I have run people out of the room and now it's not as bad....

Cushing Syndrome is another issue I wish would turn around soon.... I'd love to get me back again....

I'm starting to get better in a big big way!!!!!!


New Member
wow purplefox, your pneumonia stories sound like mine! The first time I had it, I had double lung, double lobe... was eventually given 'levaquin' (*after* the ER doc at SMH gave me a z-pack even though I insisted that they didn't work because of the hundreds of sinus infections I'd had). The levaquin helped - but a month later I still had it in one lung, both lobes. Given more levaquin. Fast forward to 4 months after I was first diagnosed with double pneumonia and I got it again - yep, more levaquin. THEN I blew out a tendon in my left foot because they overprescribed the levaquin. Apparently it's pretty well known that levaquin will do that if you are given too much of it... except my ex-doctor missed that memo. :smack:

It's been going on 9 months since that first diagnosis and I still have 'walking pneumonia' whatever that is... yes, we have the same doc - and both he and another specialist that I see agree that I likely have permanent lung damage. I am very thankful that I am still here and still functional since I know that people die from pneumonia that takes hold and refuses to budge... so I try to look at it in that perspective. But still - lyme caused my defunct immune system and I hate it.

That's just the tip of the iceberg really - and I haven't even hit 35 yet. :cds:

I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to borrow someone's copy of 'under our skin' if anyone would be so kind as to lend it out. I promise I would give it back - I'm not the kind of person who could lie about returning it... I've got a bad poker face and a guilty conscience! :lol: Seriously though purplefox, that sucks that someone would do that...

Jameo, I saw that it was released - I found it under netflix the other day but you can't rent it yet, it just lets you 'save' the movie... and it says 'unknown' under relase date. hmph. I had my eye on it back when they were only letting people who would host a screening buy it (or something like that...) and I was about to buy it and noticed that it was going to be almost $40 with shipping. Holy Moly!!! That said, I might buy it if I see it and decide that I want to have it to show others - but I haven't seen it yet and even though I've heard lots of good things about it, I still want to see it before spending $40 on a DVD.

Hotcoffee I am glad that you are getting better - I remember that feeling the first time around with lyme and it was just fantastic!


New Member
Great To Hear The Good News!

I am not to familiar with Lyme nor am I a doctor but I noticed that your having issues with your heart that correct? You have problems with sleeping and joints problems? I wanted to share with you that I have insommina and 2 herninated discs and been drinking this juice for about a year know and feeling no pain, taking no medication, sleeping better. The juice helps people with joint issues and sleep problems. If you would like to find out more let me know. It would not hurt to try.:dye::dye::dye:
My nurse just left a little while ago.... [for the newbies... I have Lyme and I have a nurse who come in once a week to take blood tests because I'm on IV antibiotics...]

My heart has had an irregular beat for years..... it would beat, beat, consider beating, beat and so on....

Tonight my heart is beating regular.... beat beat beat beat beat beat

AWESOME I am so happy.....


I AM an enigma
wow purplefox, your pneumonia stories sound like mine! The first time I had it, I had double lung, double lobe... was eventually given 'levaquin' (*after* the ER doc at SMH gave me a z-pack even though I insisted that they didn't work because of the hundreds of sinus infections I'd had). The levaquin helped - but a month later I still had it in one lung, both lobes. Given more levaquin. Fast forward to 4 months after I was first diagnosed with double pneumonia and I got it again - yep, more levaquin. THEN I blew out a tendon in my left foot because they overprescribed the levaquin. Apparently it's pretty well known that levaquin will do that if you are given too much of it... except my ex-doctor missed that memo. :smack:

It's been going on 9 months since that first diagnosis and I still have 'walking pneumonia' whatever that is... yes, we have the same doc - and both he and another specialist that I see agree that I likely have permanent lung damage. I am very thankful that I am still here and still functional since I know that people die from pneumonia that takes hold and refuses to budge... so I try to look at it in that perspective. But still - lyme caused my defunct immune system and I hate it.

That's just the tip of the iceberg really - and I haven't even hit 35 yet. :cds:

I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to borrow someone's copy of 'under our skin' if anyone would be so kind as to lend it out. I promise I would give it back - I'm not the kind of person who could lie about returning it... I've got a bad poker face and a guilty conscience! :lol: Seriously though purplefox, that sucks that someone would do that...

Jameo, I saw that it was released - I found it under netflix the other day but you can't rent it yet, it just lets you 'save' the movie... and it says 'unknown' under relase date. hmph. I had my eye on it back when they were only letting people who would host a screening buy it (or something like that...) and I was about to buy it and noticed that it was going to be almost $40 with shipping. Holy Moly!!! That said, I might buy it if I see it and decide that I want to have it to show others - but I haven't seen it yet and even though I've heard lots of good things about it, I still want to see it before spending $40 on a DVD.

Hotcoffee I am glad that you are getting better - I remember that feeling the first time around with lyme and it was just fantastic!

First of all, if you had that reaction to Levaquin, then you are most likely allergic to ALL FLUROQUINILONE ANTIBIOTICS!!! Make sure to mention that to any and all future doctors, er visits, etc... Same thing happened to me. I carry a laminated card with all the names (and generic) of fluroquinilone anti-biotics and just hand it to the docs or er nurses and have them copy it. I never want to go thru that again.

PM me and I'll give you me cell number. Maybe we can meet up somewhere and I'll lend you my CD of Under our Skin. I live in the Park, so not sure where would be a good place. We can work that out in PM's.
First of all, if you had that reaction to Levaquin, then you are most likely allergic to ALL FLUROQUINILONE ANTIBIOTICS!!! Make sure to mention that to any and all future doctors, er visits, etc... Same thing happened to me. I carry a laminated card with all the names (and generic) of fluroquinilone anti-biotics and just hand it to the docs or er nurses and have them copy it. I never want to go thru that again.

PM me and I'll give you me cell number. Maybe we can meet up somewhere and I'll lend you my CD of Under our Skin. I live in the Park, so not sure where would be a good place. We can work that out in PM's.

I found out today that on April 28th there is to be a showing of Under our skin. It starts at 6pm and ends at
The showing will be at the Lexington Park library21677 FDR blvd, Lexington Park, Md 20653
Hosted by Susan Supplee contact info. is

Larry Gude

Strung Out
My nurse just left a little while ago.... [for the newbies... I have Lyme and I have a nurse who come in once a week to take blood tests because I'm on IV antibiotics...]

My heart has had an irregular beat for years..... it would beat, beat, consider beating, beat and so on....

Tonight my heart is beating regular.... beat beat beat beat beat beat

AWESOME I am so happy.....

Rock and roll!!! Good for you!!! :buddies: