Good riddance Spendenning!


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Staff member
PREMO Member
AH, the loneliness of being Gov. Parris N. Glendening. He's spending his final weeks in office in neo-baronial isolation, an outcast within his own party and a reject by more than half of his constituents.

Mr. Glendening will depart the State House the most disliked governor in modern Maryland history, with 58 percent of his constituents disapproving of his job performance and a Democratic Party that is leaderless and lacking a central intelligence. His only influence on politics these days is bad karma.

He leaves behind a deficit of more than a billion dollars and a CliffsNotes sham to fix it, a couple of grand jury investigations, an attempt to rig the Board of Regents for personal gain, a divorce and quickie marriage, a pension scam, a discredited redistricting plan, cheap-shot remarks about the defeat of his understudy and just a general bad feeling that folks are unhappy and glad to see the Glendening era end. Nobody wants the man around.

Poor Parris


Well thank GOD his political days are over. I cannot beleive people voted for the idiot in the first place. Did people really think he could run the state better than he ran P.G. County?