Good Roofing Company in St. Mary's County?


New Member
Does anyone know of a good CHEAP roofing company in St. Mary's County area? It seems like the ones I've called from the phone book either are sky high or they just don't want my business and never show up to give me an estimate.


Active Member
My dad called Beeftown Roofing and they put a new roof on the garage. One of them guys was goofing around and he fell off and my dad said his neckbone was poking out of the back of his head. They did a pretty good job and I think they are in the phone book.
Originally posted by bbubblyb
Does anyone know of a good CHEAP roofing company in St. Mary's County area?
Blazer's Custom Construction did a roof for me back in '96. They are in the phonebook. I don't remember the exact price, but they were half of what Sears wanted. I'll use 'em I again when I need it.