Good Skin??


New Member
My sister is in her mid twenties and still has acne. She has tried everything including Proactiv. She is getting married soon and wants to look great for her wedding. Does anyone have any ideas of products she could use to get rid of the acne not just cover it up?:howdy:


i wanna know too!

is she on birth control? i know that helped me alot but i just stopped taking it and im afraid my face is going to break out :ohwell:
My sister is in her mid twenties and still has acne. She has tried everything including Proactiv. She is getting married soon and wants to look great for her wedding. Does anyone have any ideas of products she could use to get rid of the acne not just cover it up?:howdy:

Several of us have had great success with eliminating the breakouts by switching over to Bare Minerals foundation and make-up.

I was in a vicious cycle of breaking out and than trying various meds that ended up drying my skin and then different make-ups to cover it up and would lead to more breakouts. The ONLY way that cycle stopped for me was when I began using BM.


New Member
She needs to call Proactiv again, and ask for their Extra Strength, they don't advertise it, but it rocks :yay:
My sister is in her mid twenties and still has acne. She has tried everything including Proactiv. She is getting married soon and wants to look great for her wedding. Does anyone have any ideas of products she could use to get rid of the acne not just cover it up?:howdy:

She might be overstimulating her face by washing it to much and/or using too many cleansers/moisturizers. When people try to dry their skin out it actually triggers the skin to produce more oil. She should try using Anti-Bac Dermologica and a light make up...Bare Minerals is good or I use Physicians Formula and really like it. Eliminating soda and drinking more water makes a huge difference.

Oh yea, and no wearing make up to bed...ever. Some people can get away with it but your sister has sensitive skin. My make up comes off as soon as I get home from work.

Good luck to your sis :yay:

i wanna know too!

is she on birth control? i know that helped me alot but i just stopped taking it and im afraid my face is going to break out :ohwell:

Ahem...and why is this missy?


She needs to call Proactiv again, and ask for their Extra Strength, they don't advertise it, but it rocks :yay:

Everyone I know, including myself and my daughter that have used Proactiv experiences great results the first few months and then nothing. It's like it just stops working.


BOOYA Grandma!
Everyone I know, including myself and my daughter that have used Proactiv experiences great results the first few months and then nothing. It's like it just stops working.

My experience with ProActive while in high school frickin blew. I mean it worked okay for a couple months, (I never had really bad skin in the first place), but I stopped using it and my face broke out worse than the few pimples I had before. Has she tried Skin ID?


She might be overstimulating her face by washing it to much and/or using too many cleansers/moisturizers. When people try to dry their skin out it actually triggers the skin to produce more oil. She should try using Anti-Bac Dermologica and a light make up...Bare Minerals is good or I use Physicians Formula and really like it. Eliminating soda and drinking more water makes a huge difference.

Oh yea, and no wearing make up to bed...ever. Some people can get away with it but your sister has sensitive skin. My make up comes off as soon as I get home from work.

Good luck to your sis :yay:

Ahem...and why is this missy?
cause im trying to make a baby with PervD duh!!!!


Salt Life
Everyone I know, including myself and my daughter that have used Proactiv experiences great results the first few months and then nothing. It's like it just stops working.

Every product will stop working after a while. You shouldn't use the same thing for more than 1.5 years. I'm talking cleanses/exfoliants and such; not makeup.


I have garlic breath.
Try Mario Badescu's Drying Lotion. It's a spot-on treatment that works wonders literally overnight.


New Member
How about a Dermatologist!!! I haven't seen that mentioned yet....just a thought. I go to Dr. Arpana Shah in Charlotte Hall and love her. She is the best!!!

Acne help that works for girls

I have a daughter who was having horrible acne problems and it was starting to scar her face. I took her to derms who put her on $500 a month antibiotics and some harsh creams. None of which helped her a bit and most likely the antibiotics were bad for her system. we all know you are not supposed to use them so freely. The next step was accutane and with out insurance the price for that was I think $1,500 a month! It is also very bad for your system.

I had been seeing a doctor for bio identical hormone replacement Thanks to *Suzann Sommers book*up in Arlington VA. I talked to him about it and he said he could fix her.
He put her on spironolactone. She had high androgen levels; you can tell if you have this by noticing if you break out more around your period. It only cost $40 a month! The drug blocks the androgens produced from testosterone that is why boys can't use it it would interfear with their testosterone levels.
Go to message board and look it up. you will read that a lot of other people have used it with great sucess. I hope this helps some one out there.

PS I'm also a photographer if any of you guys are getting married :)