Aries March 21 - April 19
For Thursday, January 18 -Puzzling and inaccurate memories will encumber you today -- something that you remember happening in a certain way will turn out to have happened in a totally different way. This revelation won't be embarrassing; rather, it'll be enlightening. You are learning a lesson about perspective -- this is an opportunity for you to mature as a person. Personal bias can distort your understanding of how people behave in different circumstances, so try to keep an open mind.
Taurus April 20 - May 20
For Thursday, January 18 -For some people, variety may be the spice of life -- but it is adding some tension to your life right now. You are faced with some big decisions, and others may see you as having an embarrassment of riches. They can't quite relate to your stress, but that's okay. Think of this as a nice problem to have -- you really can't make a bad decision. Focus on what feels right deep in your gut, and ignore what looks best on paper.
Gemini May 21 - June 21
For Thursday, January 18 -You should be beaming with pride today -- even if you haven't recently rescued a kitten, helped an old lady across the street or given a huge anonymous donation to your favorite charity, you are a generous, wonderful person! Knowing that deep down inside will give you a quiet confidence that will last beyond the harshest criticisms that may come your way. All that giving is going to be rewarded today when you are the recipient of a major act of generosity.
Cancer June 22 - July 22
For Thursday, January 18 -If you can't see the finish line in the near distance, don't get frustrated -- turn around! There you'll see it, miles behind you. You have been going at such a furious clip for so long that you may very well have gone right past your original goal. You could just keep moving toward the next milestone, but the stars say it's time for you take a break. Stop this forward momentum for a while and just enjoy where you are in life -- it's a heck of a nice place!
Leo July 23 - August 22
For Thursday, January 18 -Today, you should eagerly follow any and every impulse to explore a new interest, person or career prospect. This is a great time to think about your five-year plan and start putting things into place. Feel free to get a bit more aggressive about your goals -- time is going to move forward whether you are aware of it or not. Being more thorough about all your options would be extremely wise -- there are opportunities that you are missing right now.
Virgo August 23 - September 22
For Thursday, January 18 -This is a great time for building and constructing something new and unique. You have a wonderful ability to take your ideas and create something real and tangible out of them right now. But even if you don't have great skill with a hammer and nails, you can embody your ideas with words, music or even dance. As a matter of fact, physical exercise would be a big plus in anything you do, since it will get your blood pumping and drive your energy up.
Libra September 23 - October 22
For Thursday, January 18 -There's are moments in your life -- like the first time you rode a bike without training wheels, the first time you dove off a high diving board, or maybe the first day of your first job -- when you had to push past the fear or intimidation to get something you knew you had earned, and knew you were ready for. This leap of faith is exhilarating, and it changes your life forever. Seek out that frightening, intimidating leap today -- and jump.
Scorpio October 23 - November 21
For Thursday, January 18 -There will be a lot of illusion sprinkled throughout your day, and your imagination is eager for the distraction. But this combination could lead you to draw the wrong conclusion about how someone feels about you. You could let dramatic ideas pollute realism. It's easier to see the truth about what people think when you examine what they do, not just what they say. Today this will be especially easy when someone's actions speak far louder than their words.
Sagittarius November 22 - December 21
For Thursday, January 18 -The amount of work you put into something is important today, so try not to cut any corners. Give yourself all the time you need, so you won't rush and miss some important details. Be thorough with everything you do -- spell-check every email before sending it off, and make sure you have returned all important phone calls by the middle of the day. Leaving too many questions unanswered will cause someone's imagination to spin into some weird directions.
Aquarius January 20 - February 18
For Thursday, January 18 -Your insight and energy will lay the groundwork for an especially productive day. Whether it's finishing your taxes early, cleaning out your garage or pulling together a last-minute celebration, you are totally on the ball (and kicking you-know-what) today! Don't be surprised if powerful people take notice and offer you the chance to display your abilities in a much larger arena. Let your ambition lead you to a success you have deserved for a long time.
Pisces February 19 - March 20
For Thursday, January 18 -Sure, there are some problems in your life right now -- but they are as minor as a fly buzzing around your head. So it's really more about being annoyed than being in any danger. Deal with this annoyance today by separating yourself from the things (or the people) who are annoying you the most. Stick with the folks who make you feel good. You need to rely on the positive energy from loved ones to bolster the positive energy that is struggling to grow inside of you.