Google Should Be Afraid. Very Afraid.


PREMO Member
This isn’t Google’s first antitrust rodeo. The U.S. Federal Trade Commission in 2013 closed without further action its own antitrust investigation into whether Google wielded its dominant web search engine like a cudgel to disadvantage rivals, drive up prices for advertisers and ultimately harm consumers. (Google did agree to some voluntary changes.)

And in recent years, the European Union antitrust watchdog imposed billions of dollars in fines after finding antitrust violations, including over how Google conducted business with its Android smartphone software and its internet shopping service. In the U.S. and elsewhere, politicians from all party stripes have sought to attack Google or other tech giants for various perceived sins, including being too big for the good of industry and consumers. Being Google has meant dealing with perennial regulatory and political nightmares.

Drive up advertising prices .... so that affects a few hundred or thousand business wanting to advertise on line
Hmm so what ... I guess that MIGHT equate to a few pennies more the price of a good or service ?


On what basis could Google be found guilty of being a Monopoly ......

What service are they selling to Americans ?

Sure they sell advertisements .... but the business model works in reverse, we the consumers are the product, Google sells data about us to Advertisers

Google / Twitter / Facebook can control the flow of Information .... but that is not something Sold