GOOPERS weigh in on Bush's eight years


Habari Na Mijeldi
GOP-ers weigh in on Bush's eight years - Yahoo! News

ST. PAUL, Minn. — The looming threat of Hurricane Gustav forced President Bush to cancel his planned valedictory address before the GOP national convention Monday night.

The view toward Bush from this convention is complex. Some delegates praise him for a job well done. Others nurse resentments over a host of Bush actions — the government's botched and insensitive response to Hurricane Katrina, ironically, is at the top of that list.
But most feel a sense of disappointment for what might have been.


Lovin' being Texican
I don't care if it's messy...

Nonno, no messes..please...jump of a bridge...naw thats to messy as well

...just so long as it happens quickly (meaning soon, not quickly for him, it can be long and painful as far as I'm concerned)


Lovin' being Texican
This is really rich...

How do you two rubes like jumping thru hoops? :lmao:

...a progressive/liberal/democrat/whatever/queer accusing someone else of being a rube. The jumping through hoops stuff was a nice touch from someone who jumps to the Daily KOS/DU/DNC drum.


No Use for Donk Twits
...a progressive/liberal/democrat/whatever/queer accusing someone else of being a rube. The jumping through hoops stuff was a nice touch from someone who jumps to the Daily KOS/DU/DNC drum.

Just proves the point about socialists, they despise the common people as they believe they are above the folks they govern. Obama said it as well.