GOP candidate Kimberly Klacik believes pro-Trump agenda can flip Elijah Cummings's district red


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Republican strategist Kimberly Klacik said after winning the primary election to run for the late congressman Elijah Cummings’s old seat in Baltimore that she won because of her “grassroots efforts," and she added that some of President Trump’s policies will help her historically blue district.

“What I try to remind people is if you take a look at President Trump — take a look at prison reform, First Step Act, he’s actually just rewinding and fixing what was broken with that crime bill that led to so much mass incarceration that you really see in the greater Baltimore area,” Klacik said on Fox News.

“For the past year or so, I’ve been going around in communities and talking to people. I believe I won the primary off of those grassroots efforts,” she added


PREMO Member


Well-Known Member
The reality is that she has no chance of winning. She received 4500 votes of somewhere around 11,000 republican primary votes cast. The top three democratic primary candidates all received over 11,000 votes. Mfume won with over 29,000 votes. The 7th district of Maryland is one of the most gerrrymandered districts in the country in favor of democrats. Cummings was never challenged and Mfume won't be either.


Well-Known Member
Remember that guy that had no chance of winning the presidency? Times, they are achanging..

Yeah, but it's one thing to win a national election where you are already guaranteed a certain amount of states in your column and the vote in the swing states is going to be close. It's quite another to win in a district that is predominantly democrat and hasn't voted for anything but a democrat in the last 67 years. And then throw in that her opposition was the district's one time representative right before Cummings. It's just not going to happen.


Well-Known Member
I like her spirit, but I hope she doesn't spnd any of her own money.
She aint gonna make it.