GOP debate - the part you didn't see on TV


Well-Known Member
This is a disgrace. Unlike so much I see on the Internet, this could not have been faked.

Sadly, I have no idea what to do about it - the left will capitalize on it as some kind of wart on the GOP when it is MUCH BIGGER THAN THAT.
This is the networks, the parties, the entire crony capitalism apparatus that wants this shut up and because it was LIVE they could just cut to commercial or edit it out.

Much as I think Vivek is an annoying blowhard, he was spot on, on this. And as much as he has personally piled on Nikki - you noticed nobody interrupted him on this.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Much as I think Vivek is an annoying blowhard, he was spot on, on this.

Of all the clips I've seen of him, he is always saying what needs to be said about the establishment ####bags on both sides.


Well-Known Member

Of all the clips I've seen of him, he is always saying what needs to be said about the establishment ####bags on both sides.
I tend to roll my eyes whenever ANYONE says "both sides" because it just seems to be another way of saying "listen to me, I am not biased" when it's clear that you are.

We are all biased, but it remains to be seen if we can be FAIR. A journalist who is fair is so balanced, their personal views are very hard to tell.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I tend to roll my eyes whenever ANYONE says "both sides" because it just seems to be another way of saying "listen to me, I am not biased" when it's clear that you are.

We are all biased, but it remains to be seen if we can be FAIR. A journalist who is fair is so balanced, their personal views are very hard to tell.
When it comes to senators and congressmen gaming the system, I see it in the establishment GOP.

The ones that surrender to the Democrats on damn near every wish list. It's because they get a cut of the graft buried in the bill, and #### the taxpayer and nation.


Well-Known Member
Well they are all in it together. Politics is the most corrupt business there is.
If any other business was run like congress the American public would put them out of business.


Reading the replies............ most said it wasn't cut. he's 100% right about the lobbying.

It sounds as if it might have been specific to News Nation. Those watching on NewsMax said it didn't cut out at all on that channel.

Now it makes you wonder, are the news networks the one blocking and why?


Well-Known Member
It sounds as if it might have been specific to News Nation. Those watching on NewsMax said it didn't cut out at all on that channel.

Now it makes you wonder, are the news networks the one blocking and why?
I believe we know the answer.


Well they are all in it together. Politics is the most corrupt business there is.
If any other business was run like congress the American public would put them out of business.
I couldn't be that cunning. It truly is a skill to play in that playground. I have had 'some' experience and they are like dogs sniffing prey - looking for your weaknesses. I know myself well enough to know I'd end up putting my guard down and be DEVOURED.


They are owned by Nexstar so I will have to do some research.
Owner is John Muse, makes cowboy boots, sits on the boards of many food companies, and his wife has stores, etc. and does interior design. Makes you wonder how many illegals they employ yearly? CW is a division of that company, Paramount, CBS and Warner so yeah - starting to make sense. I am sure they are all well invested in the pharmacy industry.