GOP Focus Group Unhappy With Palin Pick


Habari Na Mijeldi
Focused--The Sequel - Swampland - TIME

Another week, another Frank Luntz/AARP focus group of undecided voters--this one in Minneapolis and with some bad news for John McCain: they don't like the choice of Sarah Palin for vice president. Only one person said Palin made him more likely to vote for McCain; about half the 25-member group raised their hands when asked if Palin made them less likely to vote for McCain. They had a negative impression of Palin by a 2-1 margin...a fact that was reinforced when they were given hand-dials and asked to react to Palin's speech at her first appearance with McCain on Friday---the dials remained totally neutral as Palin went through her heart-warming(?) biography, and only blipped upwards when she said she opposed the Bridge to Nowhere--which wasn't quite the truth, as we now know.


Lovin' being Texican
Only the Democrats....

...rely totally on focus groups to make policy changes. But that's the same as believing exit polling in Florida in 2000 should have decided that Presidential election too. Turns out the actual voters decided differently. You stupid ignorant schmuck, when will you learn? Damnation, there I go again, expecting you to learn.


Obama destroyed America
I'm very happy with the pick... :whistle:


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This Space for Rent
I guess they missed the right Republican focus group. I haven't met a conservative that doesn't like the pick, yet. I am not fond of McCain, but I am much happier with his VP choice.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Focused--The Sequel - Swampland - TIME

Another week, another Frank Luntz/AARP focus group of undecided voters--this one in Minneapolis and with some bad news for John McCain: they don't like the choice of Sarah Palin for vice president. Only one person said Palin made him more likely to vote for McCain; about half the 25-member group raised their hands when asked if Palin made them less likely to vote for McCain. They had a negative impression of Palin by a 2-1 margin...a fact that was reinforced when they were given hand-dials and asked to react to Palin's speech at her first appearance with McCain on Friday---the dials remained totally neutral as Palin went through her heart-warming(?) biography, and only blipped upwards when she said she opposed the Bridge to Nowhere--which wasn't quite the truth, as we now know.

...yeah. Sure. :lmao: