Gore boo-hoos


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Here's the headline on Drudge right now:

"Al Gore attacks FOX NEWS, Rush Limbaugh and the WASHINGTON TIMES... MORE... He calls them a 'fifth column' in the ranks of the media, and says that the RNC uses them to inject 'daily Republican talking points' into mainstream media coverage as a whole... "

No story yet. My hope is that he will also attack CNN, Wash Post, NY Times, ABC, NBC, CBS, etc, for injecting Democrat talking points into mainstream media. Otherwise he'll be just another silly freak. And, Maynard, YOU WILL PAY for defending him!!


New Member
There is not a liberal media bias. Have you ever watched the O'Reily Factor and its "conservative spin-zone"? Or maybe Hannity and Colmes in which the conservative Hannity receives much more speaking time than his liberal counterpart. On the radio we have Limbaugh and Liddy and no prominent liberal talk show hosts on radio. The only liberal TV host is Phil Donahue if you ask me but well he's a dumbass. Conservatism and its hatred inciting qulaity is what sells so the media pushes forward. So, tell me how is the media liberally biased? You know, Bush received more endorsements from publications than Gore last election.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by demsformd
There is not a liberal media bias. ...
:roflmao: :lmao: :roflmao: :lmao: :roflmao:

Oh.... So CBS, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, CNN... Couric, Rather, Brokaw, Donaldson, Jennings, Lauer, Gum-ball, Gibson, Walters, Williams and the list is endless.
And with the exception of Couric, Lauer and Gumble... these are newscasters.... Not pundits.

Fox is "THE" only network you can point to?... I can point to 5 others with a pinko-commie slant to them. So you aren't happy with 5-to-1?

What'd ya want? Complete indoctrination?

As for Lib talk radio... GO DO IT! There have been plenty... Barry Lind, Bob Beckels, Bill Press... Nobody wants to listen to them.
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
There is not a liberal media bias.
:roflmao: :roflmao: I'm going to recommend this book one more time - "Bias" by Bernard Goldberg. The way he explains it is that the media people are predominantly liberal Democrats (you can tell by their voting records), therefore they think their opinions are correct and any opposing opinions are "extreme". Made perfect sense to me and really helped me understand WHY (not if) there is a liberal media bias.


Football season!
Originally posted by Kyle
:roflmao: :lmao: :roflmao: :lmao: :roflmao:

As for Lib talk radio... GO DO IT! There have been plenty... Barry Lind, Bob Beckels, Bill Press... Nobody wants to listen to them.

Same goes for "conservative news".. Sounds like the notion of trying to force teams to hire more black coaches, but not enough black coaches are applying.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

You do get points for keeping the faith. Facts, well, that, to turn a phrase, is another story.

Where do you suppose this market demand for "hate inciting quality" (see, even you can spin!) comes from?

There is a reason that publications like the Washington Times have market share. There is a reason that CABLE (not network where most of the audience is) has a few right leaning entertainment shows. There is a reason that Limbaugh is the most listened to radio show in the Nation.

The reasons?

ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, Washington Post, LA and New York Times, PBS, Hollywood (yes, movies and CD's are media). Most people get tired of being editorialized to all the time under the guise of fact. Other people, who don't seem to tire of being spun, take your view; it doesn't exist!

To their credit, some of these entities attempt to be a bit less biased but, when 85% of the people doing the reporting and editing are more liberal than the majority of the people in the nation, there will simply be a pronounced bias. That's not automatically bad, it's just obvious.

I'm sorry you are not able to judge for yourself if there is an angle or spin to what you are reading and watching, but, I'll clue you in:

Limbaugh says, clearly, he is biased.
O'Reilly, he goes after everybody.

The don't, however, insult peoples intelligence by saying, as the Washington Post does "An Independent Newspaper" or, just as bad, Dan Rather "I'm just a newspaper man"...

Sorry, the Emperor has no clothes.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
You have to credit Fox with one thing...

They WILL and DO put forth BOTH sides of a discussion or bring people in to voice BOTH sides of an argument. Something NO broadcast network does!


endangered species
I don't deny a liberal media bias.

I think most so-called journalists are more liberal than the current mainstream. In fact, conservatives often complain about this as well as a liberal bias in higher education. So to me, if the most informed and the most educated segments of our society are liberal, i would count that as a reason to take liberalism seriously.

In any case, journalism has changed. Just because a news reporter has liberal personal views, I don't think they always get to report the stories they want, and the mainstream news reporting I think at least attempts to keep their stories non-biased. As somebody else pointed out though, this doesn't sell. So they end up getting quotes from different sides and print that and call it reporting. This is a substitute for what used to be investigative journalism, which is expensive and time consuming. The big media companies don't want to pay for that, and we don't want to read it.

One other phenomena is that the actual reporters are pretty much unknown. It's the opinion writers who become stars. ( I haven't seen Brokaw, Rather, et al for a long time, so I guess I'm not really sure how their bias might be showing. Although I know I get irritated with them during election coverage.)

One more point- it seems it would be a natural function of the press to challenge the party in power. So, if a dem president, they should challenge. Repub Senate, they should challenge. I view it as their JOB.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Re: I don't deny a liberal media bias.

Originally posted by MGKrebs
... if the most informed and the most educated segments of our society are liberal, i would count that as a reason to take liberalism seriously....
Geeez! Not this nonsence again.

Where's Jimmy! :lmao:


Re: I don't deny a liberal media bias.

Originally posted by MGKrebs
One more point- it seems it would be a natural function of the press to challenge the party in power. So, if a dem president, they should challenge. Repub Senate, they should challenge. I view it as their JOB.

So, you admit that the Post does NOT do it's job since it did nothing but bash the Republicans and praise Clinton for 8 years?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

There's an example of a clear-cut difference between how we think!

So to me, if the most informed and the most educated segments of our society are liberal, I would count that as a reason to take liberalism seriously.

These people have all that information and training and STILL get it wrong? LOL

I am a producer. Producers in the natural world come first. Thinkers, observers and commentators follow success.

My people and I produce, they offer suggestions on how the fruits of our labor should be divided. I prosper from the society as a whole around me, it is my market place, therefore I have a vested interest in the health of my marketplace BUT...

What to do when those who think, observe and comment attain a sense of entitlement to my fruit?

The classic conundrum; balance.

Social Security is out of balance.
Tax policy is WAY out of balance.

We may understand one another yet.


endangered species
And I would suggest

that there is a place for observers or commentators who are above-the-fray. Many issues of course are nuts and bolts type things, but then there are the big issues. The Supreme Court is an example. I think the SC is DESIGNED to keep them away from the heat of the moment type reactions.

Many of us might not have the time/education/inclination to be able to understand the big picture ramifications of some of the decisions we have to make. Abortion, seperation of church and state, loss of manufacturing, pre-emptive military action, assasination of foreign heads of state, etc. SOMEBODY's got to be thinking through the long term effects of these. (We still have to decide whether we believe them!)

We are very fortunate to have made a society for ourselves where we even get to think about these things at all, and not just worry about food and shelter all the time.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
But of course!

...and there is a place for people to be wrong in our society and win anyway and a place in our society for people to be right and lose anyway...

...though I think you couldn't be more wrong about the concept of "above the fray" if you mean people who wish to be entirely un-accountable for their words and/or actions.

If someone is not in my "fray" or, my world, then I do not wish to live with the consequences of their "disinterested" theses. In my lexicon, no one is "above" the fray. We all have a responsibility to remember that we are all Americans, or trying to be, precisely because of what you say:

We are very fortunate to have made a society for ourselves where we even get to think about these things at all, and not just worry about food and shelter all the time.

I don’t like people who misinterpret that idea you so well state to mean they, not the people, are the arbiters. They are free to make an argument but it must stand a challenge by the people through elections and amendment processes, not whim or mob rule, no matter how well the idea is thought, by them, to have been considered.


endangered species
I'm with you on that, Larry

I guess in any realm, even philosophy, religion, and charity, there are those who will try to "get over".

Does this happen in other cultures? Is it some bizarre product of our obsession with "success" and material gain?

Nah, I don't think so. it likely happens everywhere.