Got A Pair of $10 Reading Speck-tackles Last Night


Well-Known Member
I was in Wally*Mart and figured I'd try a pair.
I do a lot of reading during the day; and a lot of what I do is within arms reach, until recently.
So since my arms are "too short" now, I got a pair of those reading glasses. They seem to be working out okay.

I just have to remember to take them off before I look up from what I'm doing and suddenly "go blind;"and before I stand up. Last night I forgot to take them off before I stood up to leave the room.
I looked like one of those guys you see on police vids who gets stopped for DWI; stood up, wobbled and had to sit back down;felt really "coordinated," I did.
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#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I've been using them for years. Cannot read without them, in fact. Afer a few years of that, I finally went and spent money on a visit to an optometrist and an expensive pair of 'real' glasses, but...

..I hate 'em and almost never wear them. I still only use the generic reading glasses.:buddies:

Sweet 16

I was in Wally*Mart and figured I'd try a pair.
I do a lot of reading during the day; and a lot of what I do is within arms reach, until recently.
So since my arms are "too short" now, I got a pair of those reading glasses. They seem to be working out okay.

I just have to remember to take them off before I look up from what I'm doing and suddenly "go blind;"and before I stand up. Last night I forgot to take them off before I stood up to leave the room.
I looked like one of those guys you see on police vids who gets stopped for DWI; stood up, wobbled and had to sit back down;felt really "coordinated," I did.

$10?!? Get them at the dollar store for $1 instead. Get several pairs, in fact, and place them all around your house, in your car, at work, etc. If they break, they only cost $1 to replace and they are no worse then the $10 pair, but a lot cheaper! I can't do anything anymore that requires near-vision so I keep them everywhere.


$10?!? Get them at the dollar store for $1 instead. Get several pairs, in fact, and place them all around your house, in your car, at work, etc. If they break, they only cost $1 to replace and they are no worse then the $10 pair, but a lot cheaper! I can't do anything anymore that requires near-vision so I keep them everywhere.
Same here. A pair upstairs, one downstairs, 2 at work, one in the car, one in the truck, etc. etc.