How Credit-Card Data Went Out Wireless Door
That was the title of a front-page article in the Wall Street Journal Friday May 4, 2007. WSJ explained in great detail how hackers pointed a Wi-Fi antenna to a Marchall's clothing store and found that they were only protected with WEP. It did not take long to crack, and for 18 months credit card data was pulled out. They may have grabbed a whopping 200 million card numbers from four years' records. While the hackers were stealing the data, they were selling it on the Internet on password-protected sites used by gangs who then run up charges using fake cards printed with the numbers.
So, you will likely get some questions shortly (if you have not been asked already) about the wireless security that you have in place. If you still have WEP, I suggest you read up on WPA like lightning, and change to WPA or better wireless security... yesterday! Cuz' your WSJ-reading Board is likely going to ask questions about this. This is a very, very expensive thing to investigate and fix after the fact. Don't let it happen to you, it's a career killer.

That was the title of a front-page article in the Wall Street Journal Friday May 4, 2007. WSJ explained in great detail how hackers pointed a Wi-Fi antenna to a Marchall's clothing store and found that they were only protected with WEP. It did not take long to crack, and for 18 months credit card data was pulled out. They may have grabbed a whopping 200 million card numbers from four years' records. While the hackers were stealing the data, they were selling it on the Internet on password-protected sites used by gangs who then run up charges using fake cards printed with the numbers.
So, you will likely get some questions shortly (if you have not been asked already) about the wireless security that you have in place. If you still have WEP, I suggest you read up on WPA like lightning, and change to WPA or better wireless security... yesterday! Cuz' your WSJ-reading Board is likely going to ask questions about this. This is a very, very expensive thing to investigate and fix after the fact. Don't let it happen to you, it's a career killer.