New Member
I just knew that the girls would start laying while I was on vacation. Actually the one started the night before we left. Think she is the only one laying, but soo excited! I assumed that the barred rock would be the first to lay and pretty sure it is her. It seems she laid the first while on the roost bar, it fell and cracked. Makes me wonder what they think or feel the first time they lay..like OMG something is coming out my backside?? or what lol.
So far she has been pretty inconsistent one in the late afternoon, one in the am, just random times. Maybe one of the others has started too. I assume they will eventually fall into an individual schedule?
Off to eat my first eggs from my girls!
So far she has been pretty inconsistent one in the late afternoon, one in the am, just random times. Maybe one of the others has started too. I assume they will eventually fall into an individual schedule?
Off to eat my first eggs from my girls!