Gov Corruption - Trump Opposition


PREMO Member

Wow. Jeremy Bash, 1 of the 51 intelligence officials who signed the letter claiming Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation, is now suggesting uniformed military and CIA should disobey direct orders from their Commander-in-Chief, Donald Trump.

This traitor is panicking HARD.




PREMO Member
I can't argue with the suggestion that military officers disobey "illegal orders." However, I suspect that his definition is rather expansive and includes anything that the transnational elites dislike. None of these officers, after all, will get an order that lawyers haven't vetted first.

Still, his suggestion that the CIA should obstruct presidential orders amounts to calling for treason under the bizarre claim that officers whose power derives from the Executive Branch should ignore the orders of the Chief Executive. Plenty of these same CIA agents have spent at least the last 8 years going after the enemies of the transnational elite, pushing to censor (illegally) the free speech of Americans and misusing their power to undermine and harm Donald Trump.

It's a bit rich for one of the "intelligence officials" who lied to the American people to install a corrupt politician in the Oval Office to complain about illegal orders. Perhaps, at the very least, he should sit down, shut up, and re-read the Constitution.

Of course, if any president turned the intelligence and military communities into his personal hit squads, the orders should be disobeyed, but this isn't what Bash is really worried about. After all, he was an active participant in a psychological operation carried out on the American people that perverted the course of the 2020 election.

Seems to me that the soon-to-be reformed FBI should look into that.

Americans are tired of the #resistance shtick, in which unelected bureaucrats claim the moral high ground falsely and proceed to impose their will on the American people by subverting legitimately elected representatives.

Elite figures like Jeremy Bash exhibit their contempt for the American system of justice, the American people, and legitimate authority. Their allegiance is to a transnational elite based in Brussels and Davos. They are as committed to "muh democracy" as the Pope is to alphabet ideology.
