Gov Sarah Palin?


New Member
Yeah, let's pick the fact that she was Mayor of a town of 9,000 - not that she overwhelmingly won the Governorship of Alaska and then took her own party to task to boot.

I think she is the answer to every Republican's prayers - no wonder Alaska is such a great place!

I like the idea that a person from a small town could win the ooffice of VP, I am tireed of watching rich people like Ted kennedy and Kerry moving up with their Hosesh1t while small town people are ignored. I also like the fact that she isnt a lawyer, we sure have enough of them in government now.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
I like the idea that a person from a small town could win the ooffice of VP, I am tireed of watching rich people like Ted kennedy and Kerry moving up with their Hosesh1t while small town people are ignored. I also like the fact that she isnt a lawyer, we sure have enough of them in government now.

Winner, winner, chicken dinner!


New Member
Right I know that is why I deleted, it was starting to sound like I was getting "butt hurt" and I didn't want to continue to go that path.

Not at all... :lol:

The stock market just took a huge drop over 100 points on the DOW. They are calling it the DOW dive now on Fox.

I think this has more to do with the storm than McCain's announcement. This storm has already killed over 50 people.



Good Lord, he just gave all the grouchy, pizzed off hard core conservatives around here reason to vote FOR him instead of AGAINST Obama. This is a brilliant choice by McCain in my view.


If they can secure the Shrillary votes, they'll be golden.

It will come down to rather people want the first black president or the first female vice president. :buddies:


New Member
I like the idea that a person from a small town could win the ooffice of VP, I am tireed of watching rich people like Ted kennedy and Kerry moving up with their Hosesh1t while small town people are ignored. I also like the fact that she isnt a lawyer, we sure have enough of them in government now.

:buddies: Yes, indeed!


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Good choice.

She pulls from the base, reduces the "white-male" whining of the left, affable


New Member
I like the idea that a person from a small town could win the ooffice of VP, I am tireed of watching rich people like Ted kennedy and Kerry moving up with their Hosesh1t while small town people are ignored. I also like the fact that she isnt a lawyer, we sure have enough of them in government now.

my thoughts also


They call me ... Sarcasmo
If they can secure the Shrillary votes, they'll be golden.

It will come down to rather people want the first black president or the first female vice president. :buddies:

I know it's a pipe dream but I hope they vote on issues as opposed to race or gender.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
I know it's a pipe dream but I hope they vote on issues as opposed to race or gender.


Just like the majority of women voted for Kennedy because they liked the way he combed his hair.

The average IQ is 100; it is adjusted to be so. And if you have ever dealt with people with an IQ of 100, they are not the brightest bulbs in the pack.


New Member
Kids named Track and Bristol, That ought to bring in the NASCAR vote. Her husband races ski mobiles and hunts, she hunts.

These people sound like REAL Americans. Not professional politicians.

Knocking her for coming from a small town is BS. How big is Delaware where Biden comes from only has three counties ,and a good bicycle rider could ride from one end of the state to the other in half a day. Delaware has only 800,000 people just 200,000 more than Alaska . She won statewide Biden didnt have to.


New Member
guess I took it the wrong way based on your previous posts. so why is it even better that it is only 9000?

It's better because that fact it even further blunts any of the "inexperience" argument against Obama. That argument is pretty much out of play after today.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It's not...

I know it's a pipe dream but I hope they vote on issues as opposed to race or gender.

...a pipe dream.

While Obama has to check over Biden's 350 year voting record in the Senate before he launches into this issue or that, Palin and McCain are going to be singing from the same chapter and verse of government reform, cutting waste and good governance.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

It's better because that fact it even further blunts any of the "inexperience" argument against Obama. That argument is pretty much out of play after today.

...I thought that at first, but, if you look up her record, she did more on a town council and as a mayor than Obama has done running for President the last 3 years. Add to that she is a governor.

It's not the long time service of Biden and McCain, but it's a darn sight more than Obama's.


New Member
It's better because that fact it even further blunts any of the "inexperience" argument against Obama. That argument is pretty much out of play after today.

Voting for an inexperienced President is a whole lot different than voting for an inexperienced VP. I dont see how it takes Obama's inexperience out of play.


New Member
It's better because that fact it even further blunts any of the "inexperience" argument against Obama. That argument is pretty much out of play after today.

So the VP is what runs the country?

So the fact that she went from PTA to City Council to Mayor to Ethics Commissioner to Govenor is no experience?

I think your grasping for anything you can to try and spin this.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It doesn't...

Voting for an inexperienced President is a whole lot different than voting for an inexperienced VP. I dont see how it takes Obama's inexperience out of play. actually makes it worse. Not only has she been governing on all levels low to high, but she's been doing it just about as far away as she could be from Washington, DC.


The angles just get better and better. The Dems are gonna have to get REAL ugly to shoot her down or they are D U N.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Now McCain goes out and gets a Washington outsider (key word here) with executive experience for a running mate. Will the undecided voter see this and think McCain/Palin is the better ticket?

OBTW, Isn't "run the bums out of Washington" a rallying for the Democratic Party? If so, then why try and run a ticket with 2 senators? Where is the change?

To go with Larry's observation about Palin being an "outsider".