Gov Sarah Palin?


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member a great story and background. For governor of Alaska.

Again, my concern is that she's been governor for only one year. The entire 'Obama isn't experienced enough' argument, a totally proper and valid argument and the biggest and best argument against him, just went out the McCain's own hand.

Bad pick. Terrible pick.

I disagree. She would be the only one of the four that has ANY executive experience at all.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Well, you're wrong this time. Get used to it. ::smack: :lmao:

If McCain does pick Palin, many of the Democratic women that were on the fence or thinking about McCain or staunch Hilary supporters and many of the undecided women will be in McCain's camp come November. This pick would be a winner.

...see, but, again, this blows the entire experience argument out of the water.

Further, if you think a Hillary voter is gonna go for some all American outdoorsy, moose hunting, lifelong NRA, basketball champion who won beauty contests and wants to drill in Alaska like it's Bill Clinton in the oval office, I think you're not really looking into what Hillary supporters like about Hillary.


Dancing Up A Storm
Fox News has just confirmed - Gov. Palin as the choice for VP, by a "senior McCain official."


New Member
Ack! It better not be!

Well... if it turns out not to be Palin than Fox is going to look like a bunch of nitwits. They are saying she is the pick and they have been talking about her for the past 20 or so minutes.

BTW, today is John McCain's birthday. He is 72 years old today!


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
...experience long ago went out the window in this race.

Let's cut to the chase; you voting McCain now or not because of her?

Nope. It is still a write in for me of me and Sharon or Sharon and me. I'm not sure I want to be President and Sharon is not bad at making decisions. Think we have a chance? :lmao: I am pretty sure Sharon is writing in Bear for President. I don't know who her VP pick is.


New Member
Well... if it turns out not to be Palin than Fox is going to look like a bunch of nitwits. They are saying she is the pick and they have been talking about her for the past 20 or so minutes.

BTW, today is John McCain's birthday. He is 72 years old today!

Actually, CNN is saying her too...

you know, I would have voted for her as president, and heck, with Mccain's age, maybe we WILL have the first female president...

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Nope. It is still a write in for me of me and Sharon or Sharon and me. I'm not sure I want to be President and Sharon is not bad at making decisions. Think we have a chance? :lmao: I am pretty sure Sharon is writing in Bear for President. I don't know who her VP pick is.

...then. I am looking at this from two points; Could the veep pick compel me to vote McCain and, regardless of my vote, would the pick, in my view, make him more likely to win.

She might compel me because I think she'd make a good president.

I don't think she helps him beat Obama IF the primary reason for Obama losing is his inexperience and I think it is.


New Member
Larry - why is she a bad pick? She seems honest, conservative but will get the "I" vote as a female, famly values, semi enviromental friendly, and fiscal conservative! Why is this bad?


b*tch rocket
I think you're not really looking into what Hillary supporters like about Hillary.

I think Palin will pull in loads of average, every day women. Sure McCain/Palin won't pull in the radical feminazis, but that wasn't going to happen anyway.

I think McCain's choice in Palin will tip the scales in favor of another Republican Administration.


New Member
Actually, CNN is saying her too...

you know, I would have voted for her as president, and heck, with Mccain's age, maybe we WILL have the first female president...

That is why I mentioned his age.

I am going to make a racial statement but I am watching the crowd gathered at the stage in Dayton Ohio and there isn't a person who isn't white in that entire crowd.


Well-Known Member
...experience long ago went out the window in this race.

I'm amazed at how often in the last week or so, I've heard the equivalent of "experience is over-rated etc". In fact, I've heard it so very often, I'm wondering where it originated from, because so many people couldn't have spontaneously just come up with that utterly ridiculous load of crap.


Well-Known Member a great story and background. For governor of Alaska.

Again, my concern is that she's been governor for only one year. The entire 'Obama isn't experienced enough' argument, a totally proper and valid argument and the biggest and best argument against him, just went out the McCain's own hand.

Bad pick. Terrible pick.
Like Biden brings experience to the Dem ticket (albeit as number two, not "the decision maker"), McCain has that hands down for the Republicans. She brings youth, executive experience (what little there is of it is more than both Dems combined, and on a much larger level than John's military experience), "historical achievement" by being a woman, etc., etc.


They call me ... Sarcasmo a great story and background. For governor of Alaska.

Again, my concern is that she's been governor for only one year. The entire 'Obama isn't experienced enough' argument, a totally proper and valid argument and the biggest and best argument against him, just went out the McCain's own hand.

Bad pick. Terrible pick.

One year beats 143 days by, what, 222 days? So she has WAY more experience at the executive level than their nominee for president. (who has none) Besides if you really think about it how many people actually take the time to self educate about the candidates? If she is agreeable looking, produces good sound bites and younger than McCain then it makes sense in this sound bite campaign.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Think about...

I'm amazed at how often in the last week or so, I've heard the equivalent of "experience is over-rated etc". In fact, I've heard it so very often, I'm wondering where it originated from, because so many people couldn't have spontaneously just come up with that utterly ridiculous load of crap.; Who benefits from 'experience being over rated'? Does that person just happen to have an entire apparatus, an information delivery system if you will, to disperse that message? Does that apparatus share in the hopes and dreams of that inexperienced person? Hmmmm...who could that be? :lmao:

On another note, it seems to be that all the longer sitting Senators really screwed themselves in backing Obama because they've helped remove their strongest asset for future runs at the brass ring, experience, and have opened the flood gates to every well spoken, good looking dolt that can get some hits on a web site.