Gov Sarah Palin?


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
That is why I mentioned his age.

I am going to make a racial statement but I am watching the crowd gathered at the stage in Dayton Ohio and there isn't a person who isn't white in that entire crowd.

It is Ohio. Look at the demographics of Ohio. There is a black population, but it is not exceedingly large, and roughly ninety percent of blacks nationwide are voting for Obama for one reason; he's black.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
..I dunno. Maybe it's the whole infanticide thing?

Did you miss the (or any other single item) part?

The president cannot change the constitution single handedly so why would a candidates stance on any single item disqualify them in one's view.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I've said for some time she'd be a good pick, but in the election process, I don't know if she helps him at all. I sure wouldn't mind looking over the rationale McCain went through to pick her over all of the others.

You know, I can barely think of ANY choice he could make that couldn't be turned into something bad about McCain. You know, if he made the "safe" picks, then he's just Washington as usual - if he makes bold picks, then he is desperate.

This was kind of a bold pick.

...look at it;

She brings;

Obviously, rock solid pro life, por family.
Superstar resume. Sports, hobbies.
Ground level experience. City council. Mayor.
Won re-election.
Lost a race for Lt. Gov.
Bounced back. Won gov on a good ethics, good government plank.

She's fantastic.

Except for giving Obama a pass on his inexperience and even then she's done far more actual governing than him.

This IS a bold pick. This is a GREAT pick if she can handle the microphone and the nuclear assault she's about to face from the media.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You asked...

Did you miss the (or any other single item) part?

The president cannot change the constitution single handedly so why would a candidates stance on any single item disqualify them in one's view.

...why it's a big deal.

Lotta people think it's baby killing and that bothers 'em. Being pro life is a big step in one direction or the other depending on your own view.


Habari Na Mijeldi
I can't

wait to see them on the stage together, a lump of coal and a diamond! I hope he doesn't refer to her using the "C" word.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Now that the dog and pony show is just about over we can get to the real campaign. Hopefully both sides could grow up and talk about ISSUES and SOLUTIONS instead "inexperience" and "four more years of Bush" and really give the populace things to help them make this decision.

Like that is going to happen.


Well-Known Member
Why do folks get their panties in a wad over abortion (or any other single item) as an election issue?

For some people - like my mom - it's the only issue. She's said to me quite a few times, it's the only issue she'll vote on. If the Republicans nominate a pro-choice candidate, she'll stay home. If the Democrats put a pro-life candidate against a pro-choice Republican, she'll vote Democrat. As astute as she is about politics, she's astonishingly myopic about this issue.

Me, personally, I don't get it. Roe v. Wade has been the law of the land for 35 years and very, very little legislation has ever made it anywhere to change that. We've had justices come and go without changing it, since then. We've had numerous presidents, come and go, on both sides of the issue - and it hasn't changed.

To me, hitching your vote to that issue is completely pointless. It's like attaching it to wanting to put a man on Mars. While politically interesting, it's useless on a pragmatic level.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Me, personally, I don't get it. Roe v. Wade has been the law of the land for 35 years and very, very little legislation has ever made it anywhere to change that. We've had justices come and go without changing it, since then. We've had numerous presidents, come and go, on both sides of the issue - and it hasn't changed.

...what major issue JUST got addressed and CHANGED by the scotus this past spring?


"Typical White Person"


  • Sarah-Palin-Miss-Wasilla-1984.jpg
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...look at it;

She brings;

Obviously, rock solid pro life, por family.
Superstar resume. Sports, hobbies.
Ground level experience. City council. Mayor.
Won re-election.
Lost a race for Lt. Gov.
Bounced back. Won gov on a good ethics, good government plank.

She's fantastic.

Except for giving Obama a pass on his inexperience and even then she's done far more actual governing than him.

This IS a bold pick. This is a GREAT pick if she can handle the microphone and the nuclear assault she's about to face from the media.

I knew if I left you alone you would come around. :lol:

I think she will do OK against The Archbishop of Nasty Biden. If all else and he goes totally nasty on governor Palin like he is prone to do he will remove all doubt he is a creep of the highest order in the minds of people who see her as a wholesome atractive female version of Dudly DoRight.

Big mean old Biden being nasty to that attractive nice woman I am not voting for him! :mad: And don't tell me there are not thousands of voters out there who will think exactly that.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I don't...

......... Thanks. Here I bet you haven't seen this yet

...give a damn what she looks like. That's a plus, but I like her resume.

Now, can she chew bubble gum and walk at the same time?

I'm youtube-ing her like mad. I wanna see someone arguing with her.


Perhaps, when it comes to the Obama/Palin experience question you could view it this way... They are like a new business owner and a new manger of WalMart. Palin is the new business owner and Obama is the new manager of WalMart


They call me ... Sarcasmo
...why it's a big deal.

Lotta people think it's baby killing and that bothers 'em. Being pro life is a big step in one direction or the other depending on your own view.

See, this is what I'm getting to here, I used abortion in a question and people cannot look past that one word. I'm not digging on you just making a point on how people (in general) make their decision based on one point and one point only.

Hypothetical for everyone to ponder:
You do not approve of off shore drilling for oil but your choice for president does.

You agree with everything else on his/her platform.

Do they get a "no" vote from you on that?