Gov Shutdown


Well-Known Member
If the government shut down would most people know the difference.?
To me shutting down the government is a useless threat.
Only the government workers really give sht.


Well-Known Member
A government shutdown can be expected when this last emergency funding runs out.
The democrats are slobbering at the mouth to stick it to Trump any way they can and this is their shot.
So: I expect them to make total asses of themselves over this------------as usual.

Especially since Musk is killing their slush funds.


Well-Known Member
Nobody ever mentions no welfare checks will show up.
Because they will, So will SS checks.


Well-Known Member
A government shutdown can be expected when this last emergency funding runs out.
The democrats are slobbering at the mouth to stick it to Trump any way they can and this is their shot.
So: I expect them to make total asses of themselves over this------------as usual.

Especially since Musk is killing their slush funds.

I'm waiting to see how our left leaning media will handle it. When we have a dem President and a pub House, if the House can't get an agreement the media blames the pubs. So now if the dems hold up an agreement you know the media will still blame the pubs.