Government Culpability In Dangers Of Smoking


At this point, everyone is aware of the danger assoicated with smoking cigarettes and that of secondhand smoke. Congress has provided the authority to the FDA to regulate smoking. With this, they have the means (legal authority) to withdrawl nicotine, the "drug" that causes the addictive nature of cigarettes. Instead, they make the willfull and deliberate decision NOT to eliminate nicotine. This is because of the billions of dollars made from the TAXES collected on cigarettes and the money made from companies that sell products associated with smoking such as lighters, air purfiers, smoking censation classes, with some that work and some that don't, and of course gums and patches that are supposed to stop you from smoking. But, don't forget about the cost associated with treating the sick who come down with the various cancers associated with smoking; such as lung cancer, throat cancer and others.

In fact, the Federal Government, particuarily the Department of the Navy "supports" smoking, while at the same time claiming that they discourage it. As you know, many young people straight out of High School sign up for our Armed Forces. One of these branches is of course the Navy. As you know, there is some evidence that suggest that kids today do not work as hard as their parents and their parents before them. Therfore, with this in mind, they of course will look for any way to avoid work while in the Navy, or other branches of government that provide for this release, although temporary, from their duties. For example, on a Aircraft Carrier, there have been "kids" THAT HAVE NOT SMOKED A DAY IN THEIR LIFE, but decide to take up smoking because the Navy offers FREE time for a smoking break "while being paid at taxpayer expense. While these folks are smoking, others have to work even harder to cover for them while the smoker is away from their duties. The same can be said for their shore duty assignment once they eventually are assigned to a Navy base. In fact, once they get to a shore duty assignment, lets say for example, NAS Patuxent River, the Navy actually has bought quite a few VERY, VERY EXPENSIVE GAZEBOS at yep, your taxpayer expense to SUPPORT the addictive habits of those that decide to smoke. Nothing in any regulation states these gazebos had to be purchased for smokers. And even if it did, the regulation would be a misappropriation of funds, since funding for it isn't for the good of the entire workforce. To further this travesty, for the few Commands without an expensive gazebo, the Navy has a regulation that states smoking is not to be near any air intake to any building, such as a door or a window, but yet, provides NO enforcement for this regulation. Therefore, these folks are smoking right by a door where people, to include children and pregnant mothers are forced to walk through their second hand smoke. The idea is to keep the smoker near the door and not exposed to the elements very long while he or she is injecting their drug of choice in to their system. I say drug of choice, because if you ask most people that smoke why, they say the "chose to". So that's why it is a drug of choice.

None of us can blame these kids for taking up smoking. And you can't blame just the Navy. It's every where. Our government "ENCOURAGES" smoking, directly or indirectly by the acts that they commit. Government can be far more forceful against smoking. They choose not to be. They can point at other problems and provide all the "misdirection" and "excuses" they want for not actually improving the health of our citizens that are addicted to this horrible product. They can lead by example. This would help the many thousands of contractors that they hire, which typically follow THEIR policies. They choose not to. In the mean time, children, fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters will die as a result of this horrible addiction. All in the name of money. Is our government a legalized drug dealer? You decide.


New Member
At this point, everyone is aware of the danger assoicated with smoking cigarettes and that of secondhand smoke. Congress has provided the authority to the FDA to regulate smoking. With this, they have the means (legal authority) to withdrawl nicotine, the "drug" that causes the addictive nature of cigarettes. Instead, they make the willfull and deliberate decision NOT to eliminate nicotine. This is because of the billions of dollars made from the TAXES collected on cigarettes and the money made from companies that sell products associated with smoking such as lighters, air purfiers, smoking censation classes, with some that work and some that don't, and of course gums and patches that are supposed to stop you from smoking. But, don't forget about the cost associated with treating the sick who come down with the various cancers associated with smoking; such as lung cancer, throat cancer and others.

In fact, the Federal Government, particuarily the Department of the Navy "supports" smoking, while at the same time claiming that they discourage it. As you know, many young people straight out of High School sign up for our Armed Forces. One of these branches is of course the Navy. As you know, there is some evidence that suggest that kids today do not work as hard as their parents and their parents before them. Therfore, with this in mind, they of course will look for any way to avoid work while in the Navy, or other branches of government that provide for this release, although temporary, from their duties. For example, on a Aircraft Carrier, there have been "kids" THAT HAVE NOT SMOKED A DAY IN THEIR LIFE, but decide to take up smoking because the Navy offers FREE time for a smoking break "while being paid at taxpayer expense. While these folks are smoking, others have to work even harder to cover for them while the smoker is away from their duties. The same can be said for their shore duty assignment once they eventually are assigned to a Navy base. In fact, once they get to a shore duty assignment, lets say for example, NAS Patuxent River, the Navy actually has bought quite a few VERY, VERY EXPENSIVE GAZEBOS at yep, your taxpayer expense to SUPPORT the addictive habits of those that decide to smoke. Nothing in any regulation states these gazebos had to be purchased for smokers. And even if it did, the regulation would be a misappropriation of funds, since funding for it isn't for the good of the entire workforce. To further this travesty, for the few Commands without an expensive gazebo, the Navy has a regulation that states smoking is not to be near any air intake to any building, such as a door or a window, but yet, provides NO enforcement for this regulation. Therefore, these folks are smoking right by a door where people, to include children and pregnant mothers are forced to walk through their second hand smoke. The idea is to keep the smoker near the door and not exposed to the elements very long while he or she is injecting their drug of choice in to their system. I say drug of choice, because if you ask most people that smoke why, they say the "chose to". So that's why it is a drug of choice.

None of us can blame these kids for taking up smoking. And you can't blame just the Navy. It's every where. Our government "ENCOURAGES" smoking, directly or indirectly by the acts that they commit. Government can be far more forceful against smoking. They choose not to be. They can point at other problems and provide all the "misdirection" and "excuses" they want for not actually improving the health of our citizens that are addicted to this horrible product. They can lead by example. This would help the many thousands of contractors that they hire, which typically follow THEIR policies. They choose not to. In the mean time, children, fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters will die as a result of this horrible addiction. All in the name of money. Is our government a legalized drug dealer? You decide.

About a third of the way Through that diatribe I had to light up that non filter Camel and Damn It was Good !