Governor Governor Hogan and Lt. Governor Rutherford Receive Continuity of Government COVID-19 Vaccinations


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Public Event Promotes Safety of COVID-19 Vaccines

ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan and Lieutenant Governor Boyd K. Rutherford today received their continuity of government COVID-19 vaccinations as part of a public event to promote the safety and efficacy of the vaccines. The governor and lieutenant governor were joined by First Lady Yumi Hogan, Second Lady Monica Rutherford, and Deputy Health Secretary Dr. Jinlene Chan.

“Getting vaccinated is the only way to keep you, your family, your friends, and your community healthy and safe, and it is absolutely critical to preventing more illnesses, more hospitalizations, and more deaths,” said Governor Hogan. “It’s the only way to end the damage to our economy and to bring this pandemic to an end.”

The vaccines administered today were the first dose of the Moderna vaccine. As of this morning, Maryland providers have administered 255,110 total doses of COVID-19 vaccines.

As of today, the State of Maryland is in Phase 1B of COVID-19 vaccination protocols, which includes all residents age 75 and older, assisted living, independent living and other congregate facilities, education staff, including K-12 teachers, support staff and childcare providers, as well as vaccinations necessary to ensure the continuity of government operations.

Visit to find a local vaccination provider. State health officials urge patience as the supply of vaccines available from the federal government remains very limited.



