Governor Governor Hogan Announces Appointments to the Historic St. Mary’s City Fort to 400 Commission


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ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan today announced that he has appointed six members to the Historic St. Mary’s City Fort to 400 Commission, which is responsible for planning and conducting observances in 2034 commemorating the 400th anniversary of Maryland’s founding. Earlier this year, Governor Hogan enacted House Bill 1364, establishing the commission.

“As one of the earliest settlements in the New World and Maryland’s first city, St. Mary’s City holds a special place in the history of our state and the nation,” said Governor Hogan. “I am proud to appoint these Marylanders who will work diligently over the next decade to celebrate and commemorate the founding of this historic landmark.”

The governor has designated Brian K. Norris as chair of the commission and the remaining members will include:

    • Michael R. Alderson, Jr.
    • Mary Anne Harms
    • Barbara A. Ives
    • Tuajuanda C. Jordan, Ph.D
    • Julian Blacklock Wills, III

These appointments will all take effect October 1, 2021.

In April, Governor Hogan visited Historic St. Mary’s City to see recently discovered artifacts at the site of the St. Mary’s Fort, built by the first wave of 150 European settlers to land in Maryland in 1634. After a search that lasted nearly 90 years, the discovery of the original site of the fort was announced in late March.
