Press Release: Maryland Dept. of Agriculture
Emergency Mandates and Restrictions to End July 1, Followed By 45-Day Administrative Grace Period ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan today announced the end of the COVID-19 state of emergency in the State of Maryland. As of today, Maryland has surpassed 6.5 million vaccinations, and the positivity rate is a record-low 0.82%. “Thanks in large part to Read the Rest...
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Emergency Mandates and Restrictions to End July 1, Followed By 45-Day Administrative Grace Period ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan today announced the end of the COVID-19 state of emergency in the State of Maryland. As of today, Maryland has surpassed 6.5 million vaccinations, and the positivity rate is a record-low 0.82%. “Thanks in large part to Read the Rest...
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