Governor Governor Hogan Announces Legislative Actions


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Given Unprecedented Fiscal and Economic Situation, Legislation Mandating Increased Spending and Taxes Is Vetoed

ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan today announced actions on legislation passed by the General Assembly during the 2020 legislative session:

“The General Assembly passed a number of bills worthy of consideration, but COVID-19 has caused sudden and unprecedented economic turmoil. The impact from COVID-19 on state and local budgets, on small businesses, and on struggling Marylanders is devastating and is potentially worse than anything since the Great Depression.

“As I made clear last month, given these challenges, it would be irresponsible to allow legislation that requires increasing spending to become law. I am committed to working with legislative leaders on both sides of the aisle as we confront these difficult budget choices on the road to economic recovery.”

Increased Spending

  • “The economic fallout from this pandemic simply makes it impossible to fund any new programs, impose any new tax hikes, nor adopt any legislation having any significant fiscal impact, regardless of the merits of the legislation.” Read the governor’s veto letter here.

Higher Taxes and Fees

  • “With our state in the midst of a global pandemic and economic crash, and just beginning on our road to recovery, it would be unconscionable to raise taxes and fees now.” Read the governor’s veto letter here.

Failure to Address Violent Crime

  • “Since before the start of the legislative session, I made it very clear that my highest priority was to hold violent criminals accountable and stop the shootings and the murders in Baltimore City…While the Senate approved the package by a wide margin, the House failed to act upon it, and thus failed to meaningfully address violent crime.” Read the governor’s veto letter here.

Remainder of Legislation

  • For a list of House bills that will become law without signature, click here.
  • For a list of Senate bills that will become law without signature, click here.
  • For a list of additional vetoes and duplicative vetoes, click here.
