Governor Governor Hogan Announces Position on Statewide Ballot Initiatives


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ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan today announced his position on statewide ballot initiatives.

No on Question 1. Governor Hogan opposes Question 1, which would amend the state’s Constitution and overturn long standing budget norms in the state to give legislators more power to tax and spend:

“After the legislature nearly spent our state to the verge of bankruptcy, our very first budget eliminated nearly all of the $5.1 billion structural deficit we inherited, and we have balanced the budget year after year without raising taxes. Our common sense approach is working for everyone except career politicians in Annapolis, so now they want to amend our Constitution, change the rules, and rig the system for more spending and higher taxes. Question 1 is a blatant cash and power grab of multi-billion dollar proportions. With our state facing an unprecedented fiscal crisis, the last thing we should do is make it easier to recklessly spend more of your tax dollars.”

Yes on Question 2. Governor Hogan supports Question 2, which would authorize sports and events betting for the primary purpose of raising revenue for education:

“Question 2 provides a critical revenue source for public education without raising taxes on families and businesses. This initiative builds on the very successful ‘Hogan Lockbox,’ which puts casino revenues in a lockbox dedicated to education. We are already funding our K-12 schools at record levels, and this is another way to ensure that is the case for years to come.”

Governor Hogan expressed his support for Question 2 in an interview earlier this month with NBC Sports, saying, “I think this year we should be able to get that done. Right now as states are really lacking revenue, it’s another potential source of revenue, and it’s much more likely I think to happen.”
