Governor Governor Hogan Announces State Closures for Juneteenth Holiday


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ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan today announced that state government agencies and offices will be closed on Friday, June 18, 2021 in observance of Juneteenth National Independence Day. Juneteenth commemorates the end of slavery in the United States.

“This is an important step forward for our country,” said Governor Hogan. “Maryland is proud to support this legislation, and observe this new national holiday.”

Congress has passed S. 475, bipartisan legislation recognizing June 19 as Juneteenth National Independence Day. By law, whenever a national holiday falls on a Saturday, state employees observe the holiday on the preceding Friday.

In addition, Governor Hogan has issued a proclamation in honor of Juneteenth. Read the proclamation.




Raisin cane
I think that Juneteenth and what it stands for is something that is worth celebrating.

My issue is with adding another holiday for government employees to have time off with pay. There is rumor flying around that Feds may get off tomorrow. What a waste of government money (and I state this as my opinion being a Fed).

Why couldn't Juneteenth be celebrated, say, on the 3rd Saturday of June every year?
Any other thoughts?


Well-Known Member
I recall (IIRC) from some time back that paid federal employee holidays were capped by law at a maximum of 10 per year. So with this new holiday, which of the existing 10 goes away? Very likely Columbus Day but I've read nothing official.

Of course, I could be wrong about the cap.


the poor dad
This has got to be the fastest any government has implemented any policy or law. Wasn’t the bill just passed yesterday? Why implement it so quickly when most of the time it takes six months to a year? Woke Pandering...