Governor Governor Hogan Orders Flags Lowered to Honor Frederick County Fire and Rescue Cpt. Joshua Laird


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ANNAPOLIS, MDGovernor Larry Hogan today announced that U.S. and state flags in Maryland will fly at half-staff to honor Captain Joshua Laird of the Frederick County Division of Fire and Rescue Services, who died in the line of duty:

“Maryland has lost another of our true heroes—Captain Joshua Laird, a 21-year veteran of the Frederick County Division of Fire and Rescue Services, lost his life in the line of duty yesterday while bravely responding to a fire in Ijamsville. On behalf of all Marylanders, we extend our heartfelt condolences to his family, his fellow firefighters, and to all those who loved him.”

Flags will be lowered to half-staff until sunset on the day of interment.
