Governor Governor Hogan Signs Common Cause’s “End Gerrymandering Pledge”


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Continues to Lead Bipartisan Efforts to Restore Free and Fair Elections

ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan today announced that he has signed Common Cause’s “End Gerrymandering Pledge,” reaffirming his support for fair redistricting in Maryland that is transparent, non-discriminatory, and politically impartial.

“Free and fair elections are the very foundation of our democracy, and it’s past time for leaders on both sides of the aisle to put an end to the disgraceful practice of partisan gerrymandering,” said Governor Hogan. “I am proud to sign on to Common Cause’s ‘End Gerrymandering Pledge’ to continue fighting for a fair, nonpartisan, open, and transparent redistricting process for all legislative and congressional districts.”

Continuing his fight to restore free and fair elections, Governor Hogan has vowed to once again introduce the Redistricting Reform Act on the first day of the 2020 legislative session.

“We’re happy to hear that Governor Hogan has taken the pledge to end gerrymandering and support fair maps in Maryland,” said Joanne Antoine, Executive Director of Common Cause Maryland. “Redistricting reform is more critical now than ever and we need to take action this upcoming legislative session to put reforms in place before the next round of map-drawing begins following the 2020 Census. We look forward to working with Governor Hogan and members of the General Assembly to advance non-partisan, non-discriminatory, and transparent redistricting throughout the state.”

Maryland has the unfortunate distinction of having some of the most gerrymandered districts in America. In March, Governor Hogan and former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger filed an amicus brief with the United States Supreme Court in support of the plaintiffs in Benisek v. Lamone, which challenged the constitutionality of Maryland’s gerrymandered 6th Congressional District. Governors Hogan and Schwarzenegger attended oral arguments in the case and took part in a rally hosted by Common Cause and the League of Women Voters.
