Governor Governor Hogan Statement on Electoral College Confirming President-elect Biden’s Election Victory


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ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan this evening issued the following statement:

“The peaceful transition of power has been a hallmark of our democracy for more than 220 years. It has been tested and even questioned before, but Americans have always honored and kept faith in the will of the people.

“President Trump and his legal team have had every opportunity to present evidence to support their accusations and they have failed to do so. The American system is the envy of the world because ultimately the truth and the rule of law prevail. This election was no exception. No American should have any reason to doubt that this election was fair and legitimate.

“Thousands of Americans are dying each day and millions more are suffering economically from this awful pandemic, but hope is on the horizon. Just today, states received their first shipments of vaccines. We cannot be overcome by our divisions now.

“We must work together as one country to provide Americans real relief and to distribute this life-saving vaccine without delay. We will get through this, but we can only do it together.”



Well-Known Member
God help us.

Ditto. It is sad when people are not who they claim they are. How does someone sleep at night knowing they lie? Pun intended. But, seriously, how does one sleep; much less live with themselves? I know the answer. It is all about the money and power. Hogan is on the disgusting list. He/they preach to US about doing the right thing, but ignore what is right. Hogan is a hollow soul. If I didn’t have to live in MD for fam, currently, I would be gone so fast, Hogan’s head would spin. I am looking forward to that day. And, I was thinking that y’all RVing and moving around is the best place to be in our current times. Safe travels. :)
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