Governor Governor Hogan Statement on Senate Passage of the RELIEF Act


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ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan today issued the following statement applauding the Senate’s passage of the RELIEF Act of 2021:

“I want to thank the Senate for their swift and unanimous passage of the RELIEF Act, which will provide immediate tax relief and economic stimulus for struggling Maryland families, small businesses, and those who have lost their jobs due to the pandemic. This is what effective and bipartisan leadership looks like.

“Now I urge the House to follow suit in short order. With so many fighting just to hang on in this unprecedented crisis, Marylanders simply cannot afford to wait. Every day that goes by without passing this emergency legislation means more struggling families and small businesses will suffer. This must continue to be the most important priority of the legislative session.

“Let’s once again show the rest of the nation how to put aside partisan politics and work together by delivering this vital relief at an urgent and historic pace.”
