Governor Governor Hogan Statement on UMMS Board Financial Disclosures


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ANNAPOLIS, MD – Governor Larry Hogan today released the following statement on the financial disclosures of University of Maryland Medical System (UMMS) Board Members:

“While the University of Maryland Medical System is not a direct state entity, it receives considerable levels of state funding. Like many Marylanders, I have been a patient in the medical system, and I have great affection and respect for the doctors and nurses who serve there. That’s why it is so disconcerting to hear that several members of the system’s board have significant financial dealings with these hospitals. These transactions for personal profit damage the public trust. It is not just unseemly, it is appalling, and I have called for an immediate and full review.

“To start, I plan to join with the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House to demand that the executive leadership of UMMS meet with us and provide answers regarding these arrangements. Moreover, members of the board should remove any and all conflicts of interest or resign. There cannot even be the appearance of impropriety. I will carefully review the reforms our legislative leaders produce, and am prepared to take whatever action is necessary to make sure the board operates with complete integrity and accountability.”


[ This article originally appeared here ]