More Than $250 Million for Rental Assistance, Including Eviction Prevention, Rent Relief, and Case Management
More Than $275 Million for Higher Education and Community Colleges
More Than $230 Million for Capital Transportation Projects
ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan today submitted a $1.08 billion supplemental budget for Fiscal Year 2022 that expands critical rental assistance programs, restores key funding for transportation infrastructure projects, and increases funding for minority-serving colleges and universities.
Rental Assistance. Based on the recommendations of a bipartisan advisory group, the supplemental budget allocates federal emergency rental assistance of $258 million, including:
“More than half a billion dollars has been dedicated to helping renters in need since the beginning of the pandemic,” said Governor Hogan. “With one of the strongest eviction moratoriums in the nation in place, we have been able to help Marylanders stay in their homes. This relief is another essential part of bringing back economic security for thousands of residents.”
“The governor’s supplemental budget will ensure that this relief will be distributed in an equitable manner to those across the state who need it most,” said Department of Housing and Community Development Secretary Kenneth C. Holt. “This forthcoming rental support builds on more than $100 million of state, local, and federal funds that were allocated for rental assistance and eviction prevention last year.”
The supplemental budget also includes:
Higher Education: State funding of $23.5 million to the University System of Maryland will support health professions education and public health programs. Federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES) funding of $226.8 million for minority-serving colleges and universities, including the University System of Maryland ($167.7 million), Morgan State University ($50.4 million), St. Mary’s College of Maryland ($1.7 million), and Baltimore City Community College ($6.9 million).
“The University System of Maryland is deeply grateful to Governor Hogan for the USM-dedicated funding included in his supplemental budget proposal,” said USM Chancellor Jay A. Perman. “Even before the pandemic, Maryland suffered a shortage of healthcare workers, and now that shortage is felt more acutely than ever before. The USM is already Maryland’s largest producer of health professionals, and this restored funding will help us expand a workforce that takes care of the state’s citizens and protects public health.”
“This supplemental appropriation recognizes that we must look to the future in training the next generation of health professionals,” Governor Hogan said. “A significant portion of the funding allocated will support health professions education and public health programs.”
Transportation: Federal funding of $233.3 million from the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSA) of 2021 will be leveraged to fund more than $400 million of capital projects for the Maryland Department of Transportation. Funding will support transit system maintenance as well as system preservation needs at the Port of Baltimore, BWI Thurgood Marshall Airport, and across the state highway system.
Community Colleges: Restores $26.6 million in funding under the State formula for community colleges for a total increase of 16 percent over Fiscal Year 2021.
The supplemental budget is submitted to the legislature as an amendment to the governor’s proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2022, which provides a record $7.5 billion for K-12 education, historic tax and stimulus relief for families and small businesses, and full funding of Chesapeake Bay restoration efforts.
Last month, Governor Hogan submitted a $1.5 million supplemental budget focused on education. This proposal includes $966 million to support the safe reopening of public and nonpublic schools, $434 million in additional funding for nutrition assistance programs, and $128 million for child care. In addition, the governor has submitted a $74 million supplemental budget focused on bonuses for state employees.
More Than $275 Million for Higher Education and Community Colleges
More Than $230 Million for Capital Transportation Projects
ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan today submitted a $1.08 billion supplemental budget for Fiscal Year 2022 that expands critical rental assistance programs, restores key funding for transportation infrastructure projects, and increases funding for minority-serving colleges and universities.
Rental Assistance. Based on the recommendations of a bipartisan advisory group, the supplemental budget allocates federal emergency rental assistance of $258 million, including:
- $193 million through the Maryland Eviction Prevention Partnership, which supports local rental and utility assistance programs. An additional $143 million in federal assistance was allocated directly to eight jurisdictions with populations over 200,000. All local programs are expected to be open for tenants and landlords no later than May 1, and some are currently accepting applications. Prospective applicants are encouraged to check with their local jurisdiction for more information.
- $40 million through the Assisted Housing Relief Program, which serves rental units in multifamily projects financed by DHCD’s Community Development Administration using state funds or federal resources. Applications for the program are expected to open in mid-April.
- $20 million will be reserved, so that it can be rapidly deployed based on need as the programs roll out.
- $5 million for program case management, administration, and outreach to ensure eligible landlords and tenants, including minority populations and those in especially hard-hit areas, are aware of the relief.
“More than half a billion dollars has been dedicated to helping renters in need since the beginning of the pandemic,” said Governor Hogan. “With one of the strongest eviction moratoriums in the nation in place, we have been able to help Marylanders stay in their homes. This relief is another essential part of bringing back economic security for thousands of residents.”
“The governor’s supplemental budget will ensure that this relief will be distributed in an equitable manner to those across the state who need it most,” said Department of Housing and Community Development Secretary Kenneth C. Holt. “This forthcoming rental support builds on more than $100 million of state, local, and federal funds that were allocated for rental assistance and eviction prevention last year.”
The supplemental budget also includes:
Higher Education: State funding of $23.5 million to the University System of Maryland will support health professions education and public health programs. Federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES) funding of $226.8 million for minority-serving colleges and universities, including the University System of Maryland ($167.7 million), Morgan State University ($50.4 million), St. Mary’s College of Maryland ($1.7 million), and Baltimore City Community College ($6.9 million).
“The University System of Maryland is deeply grateful to Governor Hogan for the USM-dedicated funding included in his supplemental budget proposal,” said USM Chancellor Jay A. Perman. “Even before the pandemic, Maryland suffered a shortage of healthcare workers, and now that shortage is felt more acutely than ever before. The USM is already Maryland’s largest producer of health professionals, and this restored funding will help us expand a workforce that takes care of the state’s citizens and protects public health.”
“This supplemental appropriation recognizes that we must look to the future in training the next generation of health professionals,” Governor Hogan said. “A significant portion of the funding allocated will support health professions education and public health programs.”
Transportation: Federal funding of $233.3 million from the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSA) of 2021 will be leveraged to fund more than $400 million of capital projects for the Maryland Department of Transportation. Funding will support transit system maintenance as well as system preservation needs at the Port of Baltimore, BWI Thurgood Marshall Airport, and across the state highway system.
Community Colleges: Restores $26.6 million in funding under the State formula for community colleges for a total increase of 16 percent over Fiscal Year 2021.
The supplemental budget is submitted to the legislature as an amendment to the governor’s proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2022, which provides a record $7.5 billion for K-12 education, historic tax and stimulus relief for families and small businesses, and full funding of Chesapeake Bay restoration efforts.
Last month, Governor Hogan submitted a $1.5 million supplemental budget focused on education. This proposal includes $966 million to support the safe reopening of public and nonpublic schools, $434 million in additional funding for nutrition assistance programs, and $128 million for child care. In addition, the governor has submitted a $74 million supplemental budget focused on bonuses for state employees.