Governor Governor Larry Hogan Vetoes Politically Motivated Legislation


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ANNAPOLIS, MD – Governor Larry Hogan today vetoed two pieces of politically motivated legislation passed during the 2019 session of the Maryland General Assembly.

“Unravels years of bipartisan work and study.” Governor Hogan vetoed SB128 – Community Control of School Calendars Act, writing that “this unfortunate legislation unravels years of bipartisan work and study by seeking to reverse the post-Labor Day school start for public schools.” Instead, Senate Bill 128 runs directly counter to an action favored by the vast majority of Marylanders.

  • The governor stated, “I tried to work with members of the Maryland General Assembly on a compromise bill, which was not even scheduled for a hearing. The legislation would have allowed any local school system that decides to start school before Labor Day to be required to put that decision on the ballot for the voters of that jurisdiction to decide for themselves. Our administration’s bill would have offered genuine, local control over this important issue. Senate Bill 128 masquerades under the guise of more local control, but instead does the complete opposite of what citizens want.” Read the governor’s letter here.

“A solution in search of a problem.” Governor Hogan vetoed HB1052 – Alcohol and Tobacco Commission, writing that the legislation “is not necessary, serves no purpose, will waste taxpayers’ money, and disrupts a well-ordered and completely functional regulatory system. House Bill 1052 is a solution in search of a problem that does not exist.”

  • The governor stated, “The reorganization contemplated by House Bill 1052 creates significant budgetary implications and unnecessary disruption for the regulated industries,” resulting in duplication of key personnel and information technology systems. Read the governor’s letter here.


[ This article originally appeared here ]