Grafting dead babies scalps onto lab rats


Well-Known Member
David Daleiden if interested can follow him on Twitter. He was mentioned in video as the hero.

The more you know. We must fight the evil in this world.


Well-Known Member
They keep these things secret because they are morally disturbing.
What other things are they doing with aborted fetus's that we haven't yet heard of.?


Well-Known Member

black dog

Free America
Some folks would really be upset at what happens in some of the old brick buildings in Bethesda at NIH.

black dog

Free America
They keep these things secret because they are morally disturbing.
What other things are they doing with aborted fetus's that we haven't yet heard of.?

Your lack of knowledge knows no bounds.
Fetal tissue is used because its never been given access to virus's.

WI-38 cells from that single abortion were shared with researchers around the world and used to develop vaccines against polio, rubella and rabies.

The beauty of cell culture is that the cells grow to confluence in the container to which they are seeded. Once they reach confluence, they can be “split” into a series of additional containers which can then be “split” when they reach confluence and so on. In this way the cell quantities expand exponentially. A single set of lungs from a fetus that was aborted between 3 and 4 months of gestation was large enough to dissect and create many ampules of low passage cells. Hayflick calculated that with a single small bottle that would hold about 10 million cells, he could produce up to 10 sextillion cells (1022 cells) or 87,000 times more cells than a company would need to make enough of one vaccine to ship to more than 40 countries in one year...