Grandfathering Future Retirement Pay Changes


Ubi bene ibi patria
Link to original article.

"Military chiefs said they support grandfathering any changes to military retirement pay, while acknowledging that changes may be on the way.

“The Joint Chiefs, our senior enlisted leaders, and I support grandfathering any changes to military retirement,” Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey said on his Facebook page Wednesday.

He said this would include the reduction of the cost of living adjustment (COLA) made to working-age military pensions, included in the 2013 Bipartisan Budget Act.

“We remain committed to keeping faith with our military family while also ensuring we build a balanced force for the future,” he said.

The Pentagon has appointed a commission to look at military benefits and compensation for current and retired service members, which officials say are eating up the defense budget.

Although the commission’s recommendations are due in February 2015, but (the) issue has become front-and-center after the budget deal included the COLA cuts, angering many veterans groups and service members. "


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
What in the world is a "balanced force"?

“We remain committed to keeping faith with our military family while also ensuring we build a balanced force for the future.”

In four months, when I hit 60, I will be one of those "retirees" from the active/reserves (mostly reserves). Am I part of the "balanced force"?

Will obama be part of the "balanced force"?:killingme


When they want to save a few pennies, they won't look at the pork spending, they will take it from those who gave half their lives to the service of their country because it is easy for them to do it. I've seen my military benefits erode to a lot less than was promised when I enlisted to half. It is pathetic. Yet, Congress continues to give themselves a raise in pay each year and gets three times the benefits for quite a bit less service. When are they going to start giving our military active duty and retirees what they have earned.


Happy Creepy Ass Cracka
What in the world is a "balanced force"?

“We remain committed to keeping faith with our military family while also ensuring we build a balanced force for the future.”

In four months, when I hit 60, I will be one of those "retirees" from the active/reserves (mostly reserves). Am I part of the "balanced force"?

Will obama be part of the "balanced force"?:killingme

Well, if you are talking about balanced forces to Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA) or the boy it means you have as many troops on the east coast as you have on the west cost. Tanks and armored vehicles have to be balanced the same distance from the pivot that runs from Canada to Mexico. If you don't the Americas will capsize.