A few years ago I found myself in the middle of a court case for grandparent visitation rights.
For the first 9 years after our divorce and seperation, my ex husband lived with his parents, and they basically parented my son during the times when my son was with his father.
Once my ex moved out, they filed a court case demanding court ordered visitation rights. I can't remember exactly what they were asking for, but it was something like every other weekend visitation rights.
Even though we had an &^&*(%^$
Master Well's hear our case, we were able to get it dismissed. They had more visitation already than many non-custodial parents out there.
On the other hand, I have seen the other side of the coin as well.
I know someone who's grand daughter was moved 3000 miles away by their ex-daughter in Law. She has sole custody with no visitation, due to the fact that the father could not afford a lawyer, nor to take off work to travel to the west coast to appear in court. Hence, not once in 8 years has the mother allowed the grandparents to see her, nor even talk to her on the phone.
It's a shame that these cases happen at all. I know that when I was doing research for my case, there was very little information out there regarding the law for grandparents.
Any other people out there dealt with this or grandparents that have been denied access after a divorce or death?
For the first 9 years after our divorce and seperation, my ex husband lived with his parents, and they basically parented my son during the times when my son was with his father.
Once my ex moved out, they filed a court case demanding court ordered visitation rights. I can't remember exactly what they were asking for, but it was something like every other weekend visitation rights.
Even though we had an &^&*(%^$
On the other hand, I have seen the other side of the coin as well.
I know someone who's grand daughter was moved 3000 miles away by their ex-daughter in Law. She has sole custody with no visitation, due to the fact that the father could not afford a lawyer, nor to take off work to travel to the west coast to appear in court. Hence, not once in 8 years has the mother allowed the grandparents to see her, nor even talk to her on the phone.
It's a shame that these cases happen at all. I know that when I was doing research for my case, there was very little information out there regarding the law for grandparents.
Any other people out there dealt with this or grandparents that have been denied access after a divorce or death?