I'd like to know why, if you can sue/imprison a cop when he ends up killing some shitbag criminal, you can't sue a judge or DA who kicks loose a violent criminal who then goes on to murder someone. Isn't that wrongful death? And isn't it directly caused by the incompetent malice of those in the liberal Democrat justice system?
Had this criminal been in prison where he belonged, those people wouldn't be dead.
I am actually glad the media is NOW talking about Justice Reform, Justice Reinvestment Acts, etc. and how they are not working. These are liberal Democrat policies and when I first read what they expected Social Workers and Parole/Probation officers to do when passed here, I flipped. They seriously wanted us to take them to and from treatment, work, blah blah blah and I asked, what is next? Are we to invite them to our houses for milk and cookies and a little bible study? Some high up I work with kicked me under the table and mouthed "don't give them any ideas."
All these "social" departments, etc., cannot change how these criminals were raised. I'm glad I retired and frankly, JRA was in my top 3 reason to retire. I admitted defeat just like many others who did the same.
Everywhere you look, you see this crime and find out the criminal was out on cashless bond or under supervision by the court.
The store clerk here complied with the robbers demands and still ended up shot in the head and dead. For what? He got caught anyway and I hope he gets the death penalty. Perhaps he should be hung in the street. It really is the only way to end this.
The video of the crime is so graphic that I am surprised it hasn't been pulled off social media.