Great article about the war


New Member
What makes this guy so creditable? Do you think he would be involved in the security mission for the so called election over there if he wrote something adverse to the war effort?


This Space for Rent
Sparx said:
What makes this guy so creditable? Do you think he would be involved in the security mission for the so called election over there if he wrote something adverse to the war effort?

Dem: Thats it! We caught them! We know something is going wrong over there because they aren't saying its going wrong over there! Just like those bastards! Now, if they would just not say anything about how bad the economy is, we could have them pinned!


Ah yes, the "so called election." Nothing like hearing from the "The Glass Is Eternally Half-Empty" crowd. :ohwell:

I think this article brings up a lot of good points... too bad they will mostly fall on deaf ears. What this gentleman has yet to learn is that most of the opposition to the war in the media and the United States has nothing to do with Iraq or terrorists. It has to do with being against Republicans in general, and George W. Bush in particular, and no amount of truth about how well the war is going is going to change that fact.


"Fill your hands you SOB!
You can always count on Sparx to open mouth - insert foot!

Dear, dear Sparx...if you had bothered to actually READ the article, you would have seen that he wrote about the media coverage of the war - not something adverse to the war effort.

Once a loser..always a loser :loser:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
You know what's funny? I was watching the news this morning and they were boo-hooing about how not everyone in Iraq will be voting in the elction because of terrorists threats or whatever, then talking about how the results will be invalid because of this.

In this country, all you have to do is haul your butt down to the voting place and tap a screen and we STILL only get about 50% turnout. But, somehow, there must be 100% turnout in Iraq or it's a failure.

I don't get that.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
You know what's funny? I was watching the news this morning and they were boo-hooing about how not everyone in Iraq will be voting in the elction because of terrorists threats or whatever, then talking about how the results will be invalid because of this.

In this country, all you have to do is haul your butt down to the voting place and tap a screen and we STILL only get about 50% turnout. But, somehow, there must be 100% turnout in Iraq or it's a failure.

I don't get that.
I guess they are going by the most recent election where Saddam got 100%. :lmao:


New Member
Ken King said:
I guess they are going by the most recent election where Saddam got 100%. :lmao:
Only because his opponent was enjoying himself at that dang place where they hang ya from the ceiling & attach electrical cords to your nads...... If he could only get past that addiction.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Mikeinsmd said:
Only because his opponent was enjoying himself at that dang place where they hang ya from the ceiling & attach electrical cords to your nads...... If he could only get past that addiction.
Nah, it was all voter choice - Saddam or the shreader. Seems like a no-brainer that the media remained silent about.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...I am all for every single long story or tidbit of good news out of Iraq and Afghanistan but it will NEVER make a diffierence with folks like Sparx and Co.

Five year from now, it is very likely that Iraq will be moving along rather nicely as a Democracy. We'll still be there supporting them and there will be struggles and for all I know, Saddam, like Marion Berry, will be making a comeback at the polls.

But it will be good and it will still have been the right thing to do and the simplest way to justify it will be to imagine what Iraq would be like now and in five years or ten or more had we kept on with the Democratic parties game plan of doing...nothing. Don't forget, Clinton had eight full years.

Bottom line is the same: Saddam had to be dealt with sooner or later, sooner being better.


vraiblonde said:
You know what's funny? I was watching the news this morning and they were boo-hooing about how not everyone in Iraq will be voting in the elction because of terrorists threats or whatever, then talking about how the results will be invalid because of this.

In this country, all you have to do is haul your butt down to the voting place and tap a screen and we STILL only get about 50% turnout. But, somehow, there must be 100% turnout in Iraq or it's a failure.

I don't get that.

That's an excellent point!!! :yay: