Great Mills vs. Chopticon Varsity Football


New Member
Tonight’s game between the Great Mills Hornets was a close game that came right down to the last second, which the refs opted to add as if it were back yard football. Great Mills won 12-8 after many controversial calls going in both directions

Unfortunately, the Chopticon Assistant Athletic Director came running over to the visitor bleachers and began yelling "get the he** out of my stadium" to all the GMHS fans present. He continuously yelled it over and over again, which wasn't taken lightly by many fans. What makes this young man believe this is unprofessional behavior that should be exhibited by a SMCPS employee.

Did anyone else witness this behavior? Any thoughts?
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A week late and $3 short
Tonight’s game between the Great Mills Hornets was a close game that came right down to the last second, which the refs opted to add as if it were back yard football. Great Mills won 12-8 after many controversial calls going in both directions

Unfortunately, the Chopticon Assistant Athletic Director came running over to the visitor bleachers and began yelling "get the hell out of my stadium to all the GMHS fans present". He continuously yelled it over and over again, which wasn't taken lightly by many fans. What makes this young man believe this is professional behavior that should be exhibited by a SMCPS employee.

Did anyone else witness this behavior? Any thoughts?

I did see the GMHS fans throw the footballs out on the field. I do not know who the gentleman was that ran onto the field and removed the balls, nor did I see him run over to the visitors' bleachers and start yelling at the GMHS fans. What he did do was remove some objects from the field that had been thrown out there before the game was over. Indeed, one more play was played (BTW, Will, what a fun way for you to end the game! Another stellar game for you. :yay:)

Now with that said, what I witnessed when some of the GMHS fans left (and it was kids), was not cool. It was Senior Night for Chopticon and they had decorated their fence around the field with the styrofoam cups. The GMHS fans decided it would be fun to shake the fence and push the cups out of the fence and throw things on the field at that point. This was totally uncalled for and classless, especially when the PLAYERS, you know, the ones that really fought the good fight, had just shown themselves to be a class act and shook hands and walked off the field without incident. Kudos to the boys (and girls) of BOTH teams. You played hard and well. Now, with that said, I will say that there were fans on both sides that did not behave very well during the entire game, but it's football, and we know how football brings out the best in everyone in this county! :sarcasm:

It was a nailbiter the entire game. There were several times even I thought I was going to be sick for the guys! In the end, there were many bad calls made that will not be changed; there were mistakes made that cannot be taken back, but congratulations to the Hornets and to the Braves: We're very proud of you and you have every reason to hold your heads up! You all rock! :larry:
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New Member
Perhaps you were viewing the game from the Chopticon bleachers and have absolutely no idea what was happening on the GMHS side...the Chopticon Assistant Athletic Director did exactly what was stated in the post and there is absolutely no way around it.
You also forgot to mention that all of the cups were picked up by GMHS fans, which I would say is quite classy. The objects thrown onto the field were soft rubber footballs given out to the fans by cheerleaders and there were not many thrown at all. A staff member and GMHS administrator were present and had already dealt with it before the enraged Chopticon Assistant Athletic director verbally assaulted the entire GMHS crowd. You have the nerve to call GMHS fans classless for being upset that they were told to get the hell out of the stadium just for being excited about a victory. Seriously?

Ibelieve-Since you are good friends with Will's family, perhaps you should ask them about the incident. I am sure Kieth will fill you in on everything.
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A week late and $3 short
Perhaps you were viewing the game from the Chopticon bleachers and have absolutely no idea what was happening on the GMHS side...the Chopticon Assistant Athletic Director did exactly what was stated in the post and there is absolutely no way around it.
You also forgot to mention that all of the cups were picked up by GMHS fans, which I would say is quite classy. The objects thrown onto the field were soft rubber footballs given out to the fans by cheerleaders and there were not many thrown at all. A staff member and GMHS administrator were present and had already dealt with it before the enraged Chopticon Assistant Athletic director verbally assaulted the entire GMHS crowd. You have the nerve to call GMHS fans classless for being upset that they were told to get the hell out of the stadium just for being excited about a victory. Seriously?

Ibelieve-Since you are good friends with Will's family, perhaps you should ask them about the incident. I am sure Kieth will fill you in on everything.

I think I need to clarify my statement. What I said was I did not see this Chopticon "Assistant Athletic Director" go over to the Great Mills side and yell and scream. What I meant by that was my eyes had already turned back to the officials on the field debating whether or not the game was over and was not paying attention to what was happening on the sidelines. I called the kids who did this classless, not all the fans and I apologize that it was taken in that context. Something I've learned about texting, emails, forums, etc. is that unfortunately what may be trying to be conveyed does not come out in the manner it is intended most of the time, but you asked for thoughts. I gave mine.

I have spoken to some of the parents from Great Mills since posting last night, and yes, they did make them clean up the mess they made. Kudos to the ADULTS (and if you re-read the post you will see that I said it was KIDS who did this) for doing this. That was classy. I also said that I was disappointed in some of the Chopticon fans as well for their behavior. It was not one-sided by any means.

I meant no harm or offense to anyone on either side. I still believe the ACTION of the GMHS kids that were part of the cup incident was uncalled for, but unfortunately, things happen. It could have been much worse. My apologies to anyone who may have been offended by my statement.

It was a very heated game. It was a very emotional game. It was a very poorly officiated game. Tempers were bound to flare, however, one would think it would have been the players, and not the crowd. I say, once again, props to the players. They had their issues on the field, but when all was said and done, they all behaved with class and showed themselves to be fine upstanding athletes.


A Salute to all on Watch
Tonight’s game between the Great Mills Hornets was a close game that came right down to the last second. Great Mills won 12-8

Unfortunately, the Chopticon Assistant Athletic Director came running over to the visitor bleachers and began yelling "get the he** out of my stadium" to all the GMHS fans present.

The better team(yesterday) won.

He got caight up in the game, understanable; bad choice but understandable.

I did see the GMHS fans throw the footballs out on the field. The GMHS fans decided it would be fun to shake the fence and push the cups out of the fence

Kids will be kids, get over it.


All Up In Your Grill
Perhaps you were viewing the game from the Chopticon bleachers and have absolutely no idea what was happening on the GMHS side...the Chopticon Assistant Athletic Director did exactly what was stated in the post and there is absolutely no way around it.
You also forgot to mention that all of the cups were picked up by GMHS fans, which I would say is quite classy. The objects thrown onto the field were soft rubber footballs given out to the fans by cheerleaders and there were not many thrown at all. A staff member and GMHS administrator were present and had already dealt with it before the enraged Chopticon Assistant Athletic director verbally assaulted the entire GMHS crowd. You have the nerve to call GMHS fans classless for being upset that they were told to get the hell out of the stadium just for being excited about a victory. Seriously?

Ibelieve-Since you are good friends with Will's family, perhaps you should ask them about the incident. I am sure Kieth will fill you in on everything.

Really?!?! You really want to say this? :eyebrow:

I commend the boys that were on the field, as well as the ladies. They were awesome and I'm very proud of each one of them, both on the GMHS & CHS sides.

I do have to say that I was disappointed with fans on both sides of the bleachers though. :ohwell:


New Member
Really?!?! You really want to say this? :eyebrow:

I commend the boys that were on the field, as well as the ladies. They were awesome and I'm very proud of each one of them, both on the GMHS & CHS sides.

I do have to say that I was disappointed with fans on both sides of the bleachers though. :ohwell:

I am a parent of one of the GMHS players who was right next to the kids who were excited and celebrating over their schools victory. When i heard one of the kids say lets throw the little green footballs on the field myself and another parent stopped them but not before two little footballs went to the track NOT THE FIELD nor at any CHS football player.

it was nothing more than kids celebrating their teams victory PERIOD. i had no idea who the man was that came runnig across the field at the time, i am extremely dissapointed to learn that he is a employee at CHS. He made a complete ass out of himeself and CHS and it's football program!! There is no way i want a man with his anger issues around my child or any other student for that matter. what an embarresment to the School and the county i hope that this gets investigated and that discplanary action is taken.

the game though a little sloppy was a barn burnner between two proud and determined teams, as a fan you couldnt ask for anything more.


New Member
I was at the game and what the ast. ad was completly unprofessinal i was upset and angered at what he did he should not be there anymore he has made not only an ass of himself but the whole CHS school you would expect the south to act like that with there history of fights but its still not right very disappointed in how that had to end great game the calls on the field were horrible in my opinion two deep plays for GMHS were called back a few facemask's were never called that i saw and i watched from both bleachers bad spots but threw all that GMHS came away with the win Great Job Griff
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All Up In Your Grill
I am a parent of one of the GMHS players who was right next to the kids who were excited and celebrating over their schools victory. When i heard one of the kids say lets throw the little green footballs on the field myself and another parent stopped them but not before two little footballs went to the track NOT THE FIELD nor at any CHS football player.

it was nothing more than kids celebrating their teams victory PERIOD. i had no idea who the man was that came runnig across the field at the time, i am extremely dissapointed to learn that he is a employee at CHS. He made a complete ass out of himeself and CHS and it's football program!! There is no way i want a man with his anger issues around my child or any other student for that matter. what an embarresment to the School and the county i hope that this gets investigated and that discplanary action is taken.

the game though a little sloppy was a barn burnner between two proud and determined teams, as a fan you couldnt ask for anything more.

I agree with your comments about the game and commend you for stopping the kids from throwing the balls. I have had kids thrown out of games for throwing balls back onto the track and actions such as that will cause the celebratory football tosses to the crowd to cease.

But all in all it was an excellent game and the coaches and athletes should be commended for an exciting show.

Isn't the ast. AD at CHS the former Varsity Baseball coach?

No. The former Varsity Baseball Coach is now an Assistant Principal.


New Member
The guy that treated all of the fans with such disrespect is the asst. athletic director and a foreign languages teacher at the school.


The guy that treated all of the fans with such disrespect is the asst. athletic director and a foreign languages teacher at the school.

I hate to say this, but I will anyway.
I can understand kids throwing "two" balls to celebrate. I can understand kids knocking out the paper cups right after they were screamed and yelled at by an adult.("Get the *** out of MY field") - no excuses but I can understand it.
What I can't understand is an adult - ostensibly an educator and Assistant Coach acting like a jackass in front of a bleacher full of parents, children and supporters.
If you can't keep your cool, you shouldn't be in charge of anything at the High School level. If this guy had done his screaming act in front of some of the tougher schools a few miles to the north, we would be reading about inciting a riot, instead of a stupid overreaction.:cds:
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