Greatest invention. Ever.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Ever. Ev. Er.


Dumb name but, this is one case where they could have named it "POS" and still been the greatest thing. Ever.

Ever. :larry:

It is NOT possible to quantify the number of sour notes this thing has prevented from ever coming into being. It is THAT easy. Is THAT good. And it is THAT cheap.

Saw these snarks this summer for the first time at camp. Really neat.


Just be careful not to leave them clipped on the headstock for an extended period of time.
It will leave an indentation, especially on guitars with a nitrocellulose finish (Les Pauls, etc...)


I also love my one Les Paul that has the 'MinEtune' system.
Some skeptics say that you should be able to tune your guitar by ear (which I have been doing for 45 years) but
with the 'MinEtune' you can acquire alternate tunings (drop, open, etc....) in a matter of a second or two.
Some say that Les Paul would be rolling in his grave but I say bullsh!t.
Les Paul was the pioneer of guitar 'gadgets'.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Just be careful not to leave them clipped on the headstock for an extended period of time.
It will leave an indentation, especially on guitars with a nitrocellulose finish (Les Pauls, etc...)

Aaarrgghhhhh! I have a Les Paul!:jameo:

How about my Fender Strat? Aaarrgghhhhh!

I do have extended periods of forgetfulness.....


Aaarrgghhhhh! I have a Les Paul!:jameo:

How about my Fender Strat? Aaarrgghhhhh!

I do have extended periods of forgetfulness.....
Be careful.
It happened to a LP studio that I leave setting out on a stand
and it also happened to a buddies Les Paul.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Just be careful not to leave them clipped on the headstock for an extended period of time.
It will leave an indentation, especially on guitars with a nitrocellulose finish (Les Pauls, etc...)

Character marks. Especially for my Strats. I just leave the thing on the end of the head stock, all the time. Oriented to the back side and angled so all I need do is turn it on and glance. I LOVE that it works with the volume knob closed so I don't have to hit a standby while playing live.

I will keep that in mind though when I get the Paul out. :buddies: