Green Turtle : Prince Frederick


"Typical White Person"
I heard this weekend that there are plans to build a Green Turtle in PF where the Calvert Market Place/Old Super Fresh is. Anyone know anything about that? I heard they gave the people in there 60 days to be out so they can start construction on it.


New Member
They are already out. I was at a party a few weeks ago with the guy that is opening it and he said it won't take long to get it constructed and open.


"Typical White Person"
DuffMan said:
I posted about this a few weeks ago. Here is the website info

I hope they don't use that whole building, it's just to big for a Greene Turtle. The one is Edgewater is 10 times better then the one in La Plata. It just seems like the one in La Plata has no personality.

Sorry, did a search for titles containing "Green Turtle" nothing came back dealing with Prince Frederick.

They have really been busy opening new ones lately though. Seems like not too long ago there was only 4 locations.