Greg Hardy & 2nd chances


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
I'm amazed at the number of people that think talented athletes, that have deep personal issues, need sympathy for behaviors that land most other people in jail.

Take Greg Hardy for example. He's been convicted of assault. He hit, choked, and threatened to kill a girl he was dating. He's assaulted her on 4 different occasions. He gets suspended by the NFL. During yesterday's game he got physical with 1 of his coaches and argued with a team mate. Clearly the guy is out of control. The owner of the cowboys, Jerry Jones, defends his player. This is what Jones said:

“He’s, of course, one of the real leaders on this teamand he earns it and he earns it with respect from all of his teammates and that’s the kind of thing that inspires a football team,”

I wonder how many more chances he will get. Some other players who got multiple chances were Lawrence Phillips and Steve Howe. Phillips is in jail for the next 30 plus years. Howe died in a car wreck and he was high on meth at the time.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Well, how many do you think he should get? It seems to me that the people around him know him and, frankly, if some gal thinks the benefits outweigh the costs in having a relationship with him, who are we to judge? She seems like the perfect mate for him. And the Cowboys have a long and distinguished history of having players with his collective....skill...set.

Not to be crass about it,but it seems, so far, and to be fair, the only people he appears to have caused any discomfort to are his intimates and the people he works with. Maybe the rest of us are better off with him right where he is?