Greg Norman...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...Adam Scott giving enormous credit to Norman was one of those things in life that make you feel like maybe we ain't so bad as a species after all.

First of all, congratulations to Adam on some wonderful play. It seemed for awhile he just wasn't going to be able to putt well enough to win.

The drama on 13 with both Snedeker and Cabrera in the water was breath taking.

Which leads to congratulations to Cabrera for not letting the wheels come off and looking for all the world on 16 like this was his.

Jason Day brought us that heart break Augusta is so famous for, guys close at the end, just a stroke, an inch or two, away. And Snedeker for that thing golf does to us all, just brutalize us and reduce us to whether or not we can find what it takes to just finish well when you know you are long out of it.

I can not remember a Masters Sunday that started with so much fireworks, everyone, it seemed, getting off to a great start except that Woods guy.

Which brings us to him, THE guy, Tiger gutting out a solid finish while simply not being able to find the speed due to the rain. This after The Drop. It seems he is racking up the 2nds and 3rds and 4ths in majors Jack used to regularly get that Tiger NEVER got earlier in his career. 18 is still a LONG way off.

So, back to Greg, my hero, when I took up the game, perhaps the most tragic hero the game has ever produced. Jack Nicklaus is still, until proven otherwise, the greatest golfer whose ever lived based on his record. Tiger may well pass him one day. However, Jack never just stomped people like Tiger has. Jack was there at the end and, as often as not, watched others falter. Tiger beat you.

That was Greg Norman. In terms of shear talent, Greg was a good bet to win every week. Not be there at the end, not be solid, not make the fewest mistakes a la Jack Nicklaus but, flat out BEAT the field. In many ways, Tiger is more the next Norman than he is the next Nicklaus. But, of course, Tiger closed the deal. He is not that tragic figure, even if he doesn't get to 19.

Norman will always be the 'woulda, coulda, shoulda' guy that golf stripped bare. After all he suffered, that he is so important to Australian golf to be mentioned by name at Adam Scotts biggest moment says all you need to know about Greg's commitment and integrity and sense of sportsmanship as well as his love of Australia and sport.

Which closes us with Adam Scott, a guy who may have been on his way to a sort of Norman-esque career of enormous talent and devastating loses. He got it done on golfs grandest stage against one of golfs awesome competitors and great stories in Angel Cabrera, a guy everyone hated to see lose nearly as much as it was wonderful watching Scott win it. His approach to 18 in regulation is the ONLY in contention shot I can recall that was stiff to that pin on a Sunday PM. Just wonderful stuff. The playoff wasn't even anti climactic. Someone was gonna have to make a putt because no one was giving in.

So, here is to Adam Scott, to Australia on their first Masters, a cherished national goal we Americans may not fully appreciate and here is to Augusta National, the one tournament there should be if there can only be one, the scene in the Butler Cabin and a 14 year old Chinese kid telling you all you need to know about that.

And here is to golf. :buddies:


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Good for Australia, and good for Norman as well. He was not really one of my favorites, but he was fun to watch.

Norman was really happy and supportive of all the Aussies in the tourney.