Gregg Williams


Nothing to see here
Regardless of what happens the rest of the year, what does everyone think about Gregg Williams possibly leaving to become a head coach somewhere else?

I'm hoping that a deal is already in place for Williams to take over for Gibbs in the next 1 or 2 years. If the danny(or Gibbs) is smart, he will somehow get Williams to stay via assurances that he is the man to replace Gibbs when Gibbs decides to leave coaching. Hopefully money isn't an issue, I believe Williams is already making more than alot of head coaches.


Well-Known Member
I would be willing to bet that Danny Boy has told Williams that he is the heir- apparent. And he is paying him more than some head coaches are getting now. So I figure, unless Williams has a "dream job" out there that we don't know about, he'll be staying. But, what do I know. I thought Damon would stay with Boston. :stupid:


Well-Known Member
We can only hope that Danny is thinking along those lines. Danny Boy is capable of some ferocious brain farts.


They interviewed Williams a week or two ago and Williams said he wasn't going anywhere!! :clap: :clap: :dance:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Food for thought...

1. Williams was a head coach before, Buffalo, and had a horrible record. Seems it was a combination of wrong GM (at odds) and maybe some not tough enough choices as assistants. It's said he had his pals as oppossd to perhaps the best available. It's also said he wasn't given the money to get the best. The paper says he keeps a current dossier on up and coming coaches.

ANALYSIS: Williams knows he don't know it all just yet coupled with bad situation but he's actively working on it.

2. Seems Missouri (KC and the Rams) along with Houston are the sentimental favorites. He has life ties there.

ANALYSIS: Both the Chiefs and Rams are in good shape on offense and with his kind of D would be strong Super Bowl contenders. Houston beckons as the lump of clay to be molded. Bad for DC.

3. Unfinished business in DC. Assistants leaving after a Superbowl win or two, al la the Pats, Skins of yore and the Cowboys and, frankly, most teams, may be the more attractive view. You leave on your terms, having done all there was to do.

ANALYSIS: Good for DC short term because we are looking up on offense and I would think Williams would love to see it through with what he has built if his guys, his defense, is playing in support of an offense capable of putting up 28-35 points a week. We're playoff bound and that means anything can happen this year. Also, his family is said to be happy here and now. Long term after success, assistants LEAVE. Bad for DC.

Further, Gibbs is a huge part of the puzzle. He did sign a 5 year contract. His life is full as he's seemingly done the all the 'gotta do' outside of football things. He looks great, the thing is turning around, what else is he gonna do? Will Gregg wait 3 more years? Parcells and Vermeil are about pro football. Gibbs is about Washington Redskins football.

COMMENTS: As Gibbs has said, individuals have individual goals along with team goals. What is Williams goal? The big challenge, to take an unknown, say Houston, and give it an identity, his identity, as Gibbs has done in DC?

Or would he be comfortable with the medium challenge, starting with a decent team, KC or St. Louis, that needs his specialty?

The easiest challenge would be to wait three years and take over the Redskins. This would also be a TITANIC challenge, walking in the footsteps of a giant, Joe Jackson Gibbs.

SUMMARY: This won't be like the last time Gibbs left; the cupboard being bare in terms of talent. It's the new NFL. And it won't be about money; Snyder runs the richest franchise in pro-football and has not even suffered a slight finacial hicup from all the spending he's done in the past. The Skins are a cash register.

This will be all about who Gregg Williams is and what he really wants; a fixer upper or take over the mansion on the hill or find a new piece of ground and build his own thing.

Find that our, his personality, and you've got your answer. The only current clue we have is that he DID come here to work with the legend over another boss job.

Does that tell us he simply wants to be part of something which would mean the Rams or KC or maybe staying here or is he here to gain further knowledge, a masters degree if you will, before he heads of into the wilderness, Houston, to do it all?

MY OPINION: I just can't see getting off the ride just when it's starting to get interesting. If we'd bombed this season like last or if, heaven forbid, we lose to the Eagles and Dallas gets in over us, maybe he leaves. If we go all the way, win the Superbowl, I think he leaves.

Laugh all you want. We're playing the most dominant football in the entire NFL right now and the QB who CAN throw in the January cold and winds of Chicago or New York just took the stage.

I do not see Gibbs leaving before his 5 years, meaning three more seasons.

I do not see Williams staying three more years.


Nothing to see here
otter said:
Regardless of what happens the rest of the year, what does everyone think about Gregg Williams possibly leaving to become a head coach somewhere else?

I'm hoping that a deal is already in place for Williams to take over for Gibbs in the next 1 or 2 years. If the danny(or Gibbs) is smart, he will somehow get Williams to stay via assurances that he is the man to replace Gibbs when Gibbs decides to leave coaching. Hopefully money isn't an issue, I believe Williams is already making more than alot of head coaches.


I promise to refrain from thedannybashing for one month...


Football addict
Jason Campbell...

In not wanting to make a separate thread, what do you guys know about Joe Campbell? How good is this youngyin'? I know he's a first rounder from Auburn that's about it.
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